Can PFS be passed on to our children?

Has anyone had children since their crash? I know on another forum I read where a guy mentioned that his 2nd son (born post Propecia) he noticed that as a child his penis was much smaller than his first son’s penis (born before he had ever used Propecia).

Just curious if any of the symptoms has been exhibited in any others children (ADD, depression, smaller penis, low androgens, etc).

It is not recommended for pregnant women to handle finasteride due to this problem, it can cause undeveloped male genetalia. Further genetic damage hasn’t been proven and would be very hard to prove wiout a long term controlled study…

I don’t think anyone could possibly know - you are not going to get an answer. Thanks to PFS i have no interest in ever having children so it doesn’t matter to me personally.

i doubt it… the only way i think to come close to knowing something along the same lines would be to do an extensive semen analysis.

Has anyone even had children while on fin or since quiting fin?

Yes they have.

That’s the first good news I have heard in a long time. I thought our sperm counts were all messed up too. I hope they were healthy?

Are you sure, was it someone from this site?

Anyone on this site, have you had children???

The user ‘Reason’ gave birth to a perfectly healthy child. I think Annon1 got his wife pregnant too. If you are concerned about infertility then why don’t you visit your doctor and take some tests. There are so many options for infertility.

I have two kids and they seem pretty healthy. They were conceived post-fin. FWIW, we did have extreme infertility, but it was on my wife’s side it seems. We checked out my sperm at the time and it was fine- very healthy in fact.

I have a daughter that for what we can understand seems healthy. None of us really know the answer to this though. I cannot bear the reality that I could have created a legacy of life long damage and pray often it is not the case. Only the future will answer this question.

My daughter is unusually tall has very large hands and feet. She is very often mistaken for a boy. I suppose it’s possible these things are simply ironic, but in the back of mind part of me is scared about these things. Other than these traits her mental capabilities seem good and she seems healthy. It should be noted, I was not able to have children through normal sex. I had to have an IVF procedure to conceive.

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best news I’ve heard in 7 years

My wife and I got pregnant right away after I quit Propecia. Unfortunately, we had a miscarriage. Although you rarely know the cause of a miscarriage, it is hard to assume that Propecia played a role. A month after the miscarriage, we got pregnant again. Although my daughter was born about 10 weeks early, which can be a serious issue, she is quite healthy now (knock on wood). Again, it is hard to pinpoint the cause or to assume that Propecia played a role. We got pregnant naturally both times. The only thing that I can say for sure is that I feel very fortunate to have her. If nothing else, this nightmare of an experience has focused my priorities in life. I am maybe 65 percent of what I was sexually before Propecia, so I am by no means one of the lucky ones who have fully recovered.


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Thanks for the replies that makes me feel hopeful.

had 2 heakth children before fin both concevied furst month of trying. since fin conceived month 3 and she misscarried. 6 months later nothing but sex is non existent now and she is leaving me because of this. thanks fin i owe you one. u killed my baby, wint alliw me another abd cost me a 13 year rekationship.

my last message was very nagative and i spent the last 30mjns trying to work out how to delete it but cant find it. although what i said is true its not what people want to hear. one thing for sure is fertility seems fine. getting sperm in a woman is the chellenge for most but with ivf etc that means theres options. i have noticed that noone seems to have boys. plus an above average of miscarriages. i belive boys end this way. its the bodys way of stoping something thats abnormal.

I forget the actual science behind it, but I took sexual ed class in college and there was science behind having girls and boys. I don’t which one is which, but it depends on whether your semen is alkaline vs. acidic, and if your having sex before the woman’s period or after. It’s with those factors you can be more likely to have a boy vs a girl, but liek I said I don’t remember which is which or what each stage is.

Bryce, I think many of us are more concerned that this drug is feminizing in nature in terms of what it does to a healthy man. So obvioulsy the fact that the majority of us that could conceive, having females is concerning. Any normal basic science that would apply to healthy individuals may not play a role for us.

Also, the increased number of miscarriages is alarming. Since I could not conceived with my wife normally and my sperm tested positive to have mobility issues, there is evidence of damage that extends beyond just what happens to us. If you really want to have a child, IVF may be your best option. Now that I know of the increased chances of a miscarriage, I’m concerned about even trying to conceive a 2nd child naturally.

There’s might be a connection with high estrogen and having females, but the high estrogen would have to effect the particular systems that I talked about. It’s not, your body is becoming more feminine, therefore you are more likely to have females. No, it has to do with the alkalinity or acidity of both the semen and vagina environments to conceive either a female or a male.

i think we are no less likly to conceive a boy after fin however i think when a boy is concevied the body terminates the pregnancy due to abnormailties hense the way above average miscarrages.

There is a studies section about Finasteride’s effects on sperm and fertility: viewtopic.php?t=245