Can Gotu Kola Fix my Penis?

Hi people, i seem to be looking at everything nowadays to try n fix myself…

I came across something called Gotu Kola… please look it up… or if anyone knows anything about it pls let me know if its good for me…

Im basically trying to repair my penis… as it has defo changed texture, much more veiny now, which looks horrible and looks rough and is thinner which may explain the veins… im not sure…

Thanks guys. (i h8 my life, y cant there be someone who knows how to reverse the effects of fin :frowning:

I tried gotu kola when i first came off fin. Its hard to say if it had any effects at all on me since i was on neprinol and (the stuff in pineapple) bromo something at the same time, all three had some credit to dissolve scartissue and reducing inflammatory markers in the blood. However my penis did have a slightly increased curve after fin stop and still has today so guess for me those were another 100$ down the drain. Wow when i think about it i should market products somewhere i have all the basics and then some for running a good phamacy at home :confused:

Every1 is different, try it for a while and c if it works for u.


can anyone tell me if gotu kola would help stop my penis from making new veins and enlarging the ones already there.? or i there something else i can take??

I seem to notice a new little vein every week :frowning:

Hi,Taurine and Theanine can help with your problem,Jarrow is a good brand.