Can anyone cope with regret

Can anyone cope with regret ? I suffer thinking how valuable my moments would be if I didn’t use it all the time.


You’ll probably find every single one of us sympathetic to that one.

For me, finding things I can enjoy or distract myself with was big. I also improved to a point where that was possible, because it wasn’t before.

Even when I was fully bad and didn’t have that, I still had faith in this going away someday or being healed, either stumbling on it myself (as many have) or some solution working for me or something being discovered that sorts this out.

Don’t let it get to you, is the simple answer. However, achieving that state of mind is something else entirely, and wasn’t simple at all! In the evil, seething dark bits of the early days the only thing that made me even feel anything was either indulging nostalgia (which is bittersweet mind you) or doing a random good thing. Although those feelings didn’t do what they once did they did something.

Read recoveries, work on finding a distraction for now, hang in there too. You might well find yourself in my shoes in a few months telling someone else what I’m telling you, and it might not make sense to them in the way what I’m telling you now might not make sense to you currently, if it doesn’t. But those things and a little bit of that state of mind helped me.


how is your sexual health and how long you sufferer

Not amazing, probably as bad as anyone’s tbf. Coming up on two years November-time.

Likely my current proviron adventures are to blame for even worse sexual health for the moment too. But having gotten rid (temporarily or otherwise) of a lot of the mental sides and regained sleep and almost digestion, I’d trade those for sex any day. :slight_smile:

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I know the feeling of regret all too well but have become better at coping with it. What helps me is to live in the moment and not think about the past or the future. Focus on today and do small things to improve your life. If you have a bad day, allow yourself to be unhappy and don’t be too hard on yourself.

I think many people with this syndrome romanticize the life they could have had. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. So many people who seem to have it all, most of which don’t have PFS, are depressed and unhappy. Think of all the celebrities who don’t want to live. Who knows, maybe you would have been extremely depressed because of another tragedy in your life but that doesn’t even matter because that reality doesn’t exist.

Don’t blame yourself for not wanting to go bald or taking the advice of a medical professional. For most of us, taking this medication was a sound idea with the information we had. After having PFS for many years, i still understand why i took the pills.


First of all, you should not allow this thought because it affects you worse. You have to change your focus. Whatever life is worth living, don’t lose hope. Remember, as long as we breathe, there is hope, my friend! Don’t ruin your life more with your wishes, admit it, we just had that shit. Regret is a heavy burden. So be nice to yourself, nobody would drink if we knew it would happen, right? Take care of yourself, believe that a day will pass.


@yedek1 We have lived through this regret and its really painful. The worst part is the feeling of helplessness. Personally I have been suffering for the last 7 years. I have no sex life, my wife left me and so obviously my son left me.
But please don’t loose hope, give yourself some time to get used to and let the fact sink in. Engage in other meaningful things, follow healthy lifestyle.

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