RE: Recovery if result is comes back positive
Posted by Awor, 0ct 2009
"From talking with these scientists, it is also very clear that our problem is way beyond the current envelope of basic science. Trying to explain what has happened to us is about as daunting as trying to explain the exact mechanism as to why prostate cancer cells become super sensitive to androgens once deprived thereof. Billions of dollars have been invested into this sole question since over 20 years and we still don’t have real answers. Asking for a research solution to our problem is currently like asking for a cure for cancer. We’ll get there someday, but I doubt it will be in a time frame which is still relevant to us. On the other hand, a breakthrough in understanding the underlying mechanisms behind signaling path changes, in prostate cancer cells for example, could also improve the chances of explaining our problem (this was noted by two of the scientists that I have talked with). Molecular tools and diagnostic equipment are advancing at an incredible speed. Discoveries often lead to further discoveries in a snowball fashion. It remains hard to tell, what advances will be possible in what time frames.
Even though a potential cure currently seems out of reach, it is quite realistic that we can actually prove or disprove the androgen receptor theory and what has happened to us. Gene expression studies are becoming increasingly accessible with a unit cost of around 700USD for materials (multiply that by at least 40 individuals and add salaries/time of specialists and we are still talking six digits). Of course, you still need the scientist that can design the test and interpret test results correctly. On the other hand, given the complex nature of protein interaction at the signaling level, it is not said that our problem can be reproduced in a lab environment (in vitro). Also, if our problem is related to some form of post translational modification (chemical modification protein after its translation), a gene expression study isn’t going to reveal this either. But such a scenario is provable as well, although more complex (statement from lab scientist specialized on executing such studies).
The bottom line to all this is: Our problem is likely to be at the molecular level, an area which is still relatively poorly understood by basic science. In order to get our problem onto the map (an get research going), we need to get something published. As far as I can tell, it is not realistic that a cure will be found to our problem within a useful time frame – even once research has started. However, it is realistic that our bodies can heal themselves (at least in some cases). We must support our bodies the best we can in the process. Given the assumption of this problem, it is also not realistic that a simple doctor has any real chance of helping us. A regular doctor (as opposed to a scientist) is governed by the boundaries of basic science. Even worse, he/she is governed by commercialized solutions (i.e. pharma products) resulting from basic science. So if the basic scientists are still trying to figure out what’s going on at the molecular level, we can’t expect a simple doctor to be able to solve this. Most of us that have been to see various “specialists”, without real results to show for, probably have realized this"