Calling for Study Participants for First Molecular Level PFS Study EVER ********************


Any plans on opening this up to those of us with bad shrinkage?

Do you notice the skin gone at all? I assume its done with local anesthesia only?

Just to make it clear, that circumcised men with penile foreskin numbness/loss of sensitivity CAN participate.

Awor is circumcised and he was still eligible for the procedure according to the surgeon, so this is good news.

I see no reason why not. If you have significant penile insensitivity (loss of pleasurable feelings to touch, no feelings of pain, numbness along shaft foreskin), that is first and foremost the main requirement.

From his last post, he states:

"You can almost not see it and I didn’t feel anything (no pun intended), not even to this day. The surgeon assured me that I won’t even know where it was a month from now. "

So it seems it is barely noticeable.

Yes. I spoke with him on the phone and he confirmed this. They put on a numbing cream.

Just want to send out a big THANK YOU to Awor, Mew, Oh Bloody Hell, Mario, Gargoyle and 40 for doing this for all of us.

Come on people they need some more! If you have time and numbness please go.

I don’t have bad penile numbness anymore so don’t think i’m eligible. Also up to here with medical work.

Thanks Awor for organizing this! And thanks to all the guys that participated. I can’t wait to find out the results of this study.

I would like to reaffirm what awor said about the biopsy, for those who have any doubts. It only took a couple of minutes and was completely pain free, and done under the auspices of highly competent specialists. And in a beautiful location too!

In addition, it was a seriously impressive set-up in place to study this problem, with specialists from a couple of prominent institutions who are willing to try and help us free of charge. Until very recently we could not have dreamed of this assistance happening, and if the study is a success it will open up our problem to even more scientific researchers. I strongly recommend anyone who meets the qualifying criteria to put themselves forward to assist in taking part, and help put our problem firmly on the medical map.

On a personal note I would like to say it was a pleasure to meet Mario, awor, gargoyle and 40. As well as finally meeting fellow sufferers they all provided excellent company. Many thanks to awor and 40 for their hard work in making it happen, and in particular to 40 for helping me with so many aspects of the trip while juggling so many other commitments. A true warrior for the cause!

how did you get the idea of brain? that is what I have been beating about. our whole body especially our brain is also got impaired.

I suffer from mental sides… severe depression, anxiety. My system is messed up. I have jacked up ACTH and Cortisol and high RT3. My body isn’t absorbing its own T3. Since I started taking T3 I have seen considerable physical improvements but for the most part the depression remains.

Ok guys, we have now reached the enrollment of 10 patients, 5 which already had their biopsies done.

The rest will happen this and next week. So we have everything we need to get going with the study. Now let’s all hope and pray that we will find what we are looking for. If we do, this will be the most unbelievable achievement in the history of this problem. The material will be conserved in such a way that we can do a number of experiments with it. So if we don’t find what we’re looking for off the bat, we can do more experiments.

We had really great response to this short notice call for participation. I would like to thank the many people which have pm’d me for their support.

I would also like to inform everyone that we will be looking at an extensive number of serum based assays in addition to the questionnaires and tissue samples. These assays will also include a full hormonal panel.

Again, many, many thanks to all you guys for your support!

Excellent work Awor and the rest of the guys that made this happen. Thank you all very much!

Great news… well done all involved!!

This is really great. Does it include adiol-g?

Awor, best case scenario and the research shows exactly what was hypothesized… Just an opinion 1-10… 10 being a great chance this can be treated completely, how about a guess?

I know it’s already good news… but… We love hope around here.

Excellent! Looking forward to seeing the results.

excellent work Awor, Mew, ohbloodyhell etc.
We all owe you so much. you Guys just did not sit still but acted calmly yet actively.
I really pray we get out of the nasty sides caused by 5ARI poison.
My thousand prayers for you Guys and successful treatment.

Thanks again to the Guys who participated and are behing this. Much respect.

Although I was unable to participate for this, I would gladly do any future tests that come up. A big thank you to Awor, Mew etc, its really amazing what you guys have done. Look forward to seeing the results

I wasn’t able to participate either due to short notice. I also would participate if any further tests are needed.
Great work awor and all the other guys involved.

I wish i knew this before hand…i would of participated in the study…

My question is, if the study is a success, what kind of experiments will they perform…This looks like a prominent treatment if all goes well…

I believe Awor has said his group has some ideas if the signal problem is where they suspect (transcription?). Like everyone else, I’m nervously waiting to hear the results of the micro array analysis. Obviously if AR expression happens to come back normal (like most here, I’d be surprised if it does) then its a moot point.