Call for participants for upcoming research at Institute for Human Genetics


Sorry that I ask as an armchair scientist again. If it worries or is the wrong direction please delete this comment!

Do you only research why Androgen Rezeptor Gen Region is over expressed or why the over expressed Androgen Rezeptor (DHT Complex) doesn’t function in promotion / enhancing all the other Androgen Gens (downstream) DYSREGULATION detacted in Baylor II?

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Also one additional question about this part, is the sample collection limited to just 25 participants? Or do you mean by this that the study can start when at least 25 samples have been collected?

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Everything that Baylor found was published - researchers wouldn’t hold back pertinent findings from publication. @Dubya_B is right - what we’re doing now is looking for the why.

We only need 25 samples for this immediate study, but the plan is to use this facility to collect more samples than can be used for future research.


Unfortunately, I don’t think I meet the criteria, but am fully on board with financially supporting those who do, so they can make the trip.


Do you have an estimate on how many studies we can run with the first batch of samples?

So on the subject of research has it been considered to try and induce PFS in a lab setting? On lab animals? Or hell, cocky PFS deniers who might do it for free meds.


It’s hard to say. If the samples are taken care of well they could last for years. We don’t want to take new samples every study though, so we’ll be doing our best to preserve them for multiple studies.

That’s certainly where we would like to go - an animal model - but that requires understanding the mechanisms driving PFS first. That’s what this study, and subsequent studies, will be focused on.

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We are still looking for more volunteers for upcoming research. We’re pleased that we’ve had over 25 applications, but to ensure we are selecting the most suitable samples, we’d like to get that number up to at least 40. The sooner we get applicants organised, the sooner we can get started.

If you are interested, please email at

Thank you all for your ongoing support.


I sent my application but I forgot to add a few symptoms. Mainly skin related.

Is that an issue?

Not a problem - if you want to send a follow up email to update then I can update your info.

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Please note you can now apply to participate on our website:

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There have been a few questions about the procedure and where it will be done.

Just to clarify - my information initially was incorrect. We will be taking scrotal skin, a 5mm piece, from below the base of the penis. It will not leave any scarring or cause any structural damage whatsoever.


Mitch, how about flirt with us a little before you ask for a piece of our nutsack? lol


Is the sample collection underway?

No it’s not unfortunately. We’ll provide updates once we’ve selected patients to participate.

Was the ethics proposal approved? Or was there any feedback on it

No news yet I’m afraid. Rest assured as soon as we have anything we’ll move quickly to get the study started.


I see you complaining but have you done anything to help our cause?

And you’re wrong, btw, the sample collection will start in february.

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The study begins early next year. What have you done for our cause?