Calcium D-Glucarate

Since the thread about calcium d-glucarate was in the Theories section, it is now locked, so I thought I would make another one. I just received mine and I was wondering what I should expect. What kind of benefits are you getting from it? I tried it but I didn’t notice any beneficial effect, but I have to say that I was already feeling pretty good that day, so it might be because of that. Maybe there’s also the amount you take. How much are you taking per day?

Studies I’ve seen suggest 2000mg is an effective dose at increasing clearence of estrogen.

Has anyone (other than JQD) tried this with success?

I think CDnuts used it.

I didn’t use calcium D-Glucarate for a couple of months because it wasn’t making any difference, but I was feeling very anxious today and decided to give it another try and it pretty much cleared up my anxiety.