So wait I have a rare condition in itself, which is PFS, then I develop burning mouth syndrome (another rare condition). Something tells me the two are not mutually exclusive. You can see where the side of the tongue is discolored and a different texture compared to the rest.
I have something similar. Worst during winter with lots of blisters. Usually it is periodically.
I attribute it to the biome.
My tongue doesn’t look like that….but I do get an intense burning sensation on the roof of my mouth sometimes when eating some foods. It comes on completely randomly, but, fortunately, seems to happen less frequently as time goes on
I will usually get the burning sensation around my mouth but not in it, appears in my case to be what happens in general when my immune system gets really revved up. The only thing that will tend to happen inside when that happens is some extra nasal drip and constriction. I’m also on board with Woods think it has to do with something going on in the gut microbiome because this happened yesterday when I tried hesperidin and had a massive immune reaction starting in the first 10 minutes of ingestion. I’m going to update my own story post on this but I’m waiting some days here to see how the reaction rolls on from here.
In short from what I got now though I largely gave it a try because it apparently combats LPS inflammation extremely well. After I ingested it within minutes I felt my immune system really ramp up as I got a familiar burst of energy and everything was much brighter which when that happens in the specific way it did usually isn’t a good sign. But it also completely turned on my sensation all over my body again and made my senses much clearer. The weird thing is the initial immune reaction was the same I had constantly going on earlier in my saw palmetto journey which disabled my sexual functioning to a large degree up front but later as the reaction was dying off more I has far more sexual functioning back with the massive amount of sensory sensation this brought back. Thought based sexual reactions are working much better but still aren’t all there, easier than ever in every other way to get things going now. The only issue is I’m still dealing with some whiplash from the reaction into today. Woke up today with burning eyes and a hang over-ish headachy feeling with some irritability. I’ll just have to see how things move from here, I’m not taking it again though because the immune reaction was just too intense and I’d seriously mess myself up if I kept taking it.