Bupropion trial

So as many are aware since November of 2020 I have been experimenting with different amino acid/co factor trials in an attempt to increase natural production of neurotransmitters. I have used ZRT lab urine neurotransmitter testing as a guide which may or may not contain useful information. What I have learned:

Two week “increase serotonin” trials consistently provides major benefits in the constipation with the only negative reaction being a slight “odd” feeling in my head.

Taking several amino acids and cofactors including SAMe all at once for over a month straight to increase serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, GABA and glutamate caused a very severe insomnia PFS level/type relapse and crash.

Two short trials of “increase dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine” only with nothing else and not including SAMe as cofactor caused a slight increase in the sexual sides with the only negative reaction being a noticeable but not horrible decrease in sleep quality. One of these solo “increase dopamine solo” trials was for 14 days and the other 10 days.

As risky as it is I’m using the results from the amino acid dopamine trials to trial a prescription dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. The drug is Bupropion “AKA Wellbutrin”. I will start with one tab of 150 MG’s daily and if I don’t crash I will move up to 300 MG’s daily. I will be taking 5000 MG’s of glycine nightly to hopefully counter an insomnia relapse seeing that glycine got me out of the last insomnia relapse crash. My goal here is to see if more dopamine in the brain will help the sexual sides. Wish me luck . We all know I need it because I’m taking a huge risk here. I also have a limited supply of Xanax on hand which helped a lot with the last insomnia relapse while I was figuring out what I needed to do to fix it which glycine ended up being the long term solution for.

Fingers crossed
Started today

August 14th: 150 MG’s Bupropion @ 1135


It was good for some things ……definitely good for sexual sides when I took it. Wasn’t great for sleep or anxiety ….but it might work for you and I hope it does !

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Interesting. How long did you try it for and at what MG?

I can live with great amounts of anxiety without even complaining about it . So zero worries in that department. The sleep though . Not sleeping kills me . I’m hoping the glycine will counter it . And I think my body uses that glycine because when taking upwards to 3000 MG’s nightly I have lowish amounts of glycine in my urine . Probable means I’m using that glycine . So now I’m taking 5000 MG’s of it in an attempt to hope it provides enough inhibitory response to counter the dopamine and norepinephrine activity from the bupropion

Why did you stop taking it ? I mean if it helped the sexual sides . Due to the sleep disturbances and anxiety?

Today is day 6 on 150 MG’s worth of Bupropion. Two nights so far my sleep declined noticeably but not on a major level that’s going to make me stop the trial. One of the days sexual function better but one day is obviously not enough to make any conclusions. In summary no solid change in sexual sides and some sleep disturbances but nothing major. All in all it’s going good. Currently plan on running the whole 5-8 week trial

I upped the glycine from 5000MG’s to 8000MG’s last night and the melatonin from 1MG to 2MG and slept pretty good. Will continue the 8000MG’s of glycine and 2MG’s of melatonin for next few nights before trying to lowering the dosage. So far it does not seem like I will get worse from bupropion.


Be sure to keep us updated.

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Sorry for delay….not in here as much these days as I’m generally feeling better than I was.

I took 150mg I believe . This was whilst I was taking finasteride through so I hadn’t entered true PFS yet !

The main thing was the anxiety more than the sleep. Terrible shakes and just felt on edge, so I quit. It definitely improved sexual sides though that’s for sure , including erection .

I’m now on month 5 of Mirtazapine and my situation is greatly improving (except I’m keeping an eye on weight gain).
It’s mainly improved Sleep, mood and Anhedonia and made the tinnitus slightly quieter.

Still have soft erections though and slight tinnitus . These 2 are not great but I’m hoping continued improving , diet, exercise and sleep helps the erections improve over time