
Has anyone tried the drug Bumetanide? If you’ve read the rat study by Melcangi, you’ll be aware that we have a problem with GABA signaling. It turns out there is a drug which restores GABA signaling and restores neuron plasticity. Please view the following studies and please post if you or if you know anyone who is on Bumetanide. Also, does anyone have a father who was on Propecia or Proscar and happened to be taking Furosemide or Bumetanide at the same time? Did this person develop PFS?

autismspeaks.org/science/sc … -treatment

journal.frontiersin.org/article/ … 00090/full


My niece is a psychiatrist, I’ll ask her about this drug. I’m willing to try it if it’s safe.

which rat study is this?


So I talked to my niece and sent her the research about bumetanide, she said I could try it, also there are other drugs that act on the GABA that she can prescribe me. She also said that I can try Lithium, which has neuro protective properties.

Thank you for looking into this. The reason I looked up Bumetanide was because of the studies indicating it may increase neuroplasticity and after reading the rat studies that seems to be whats going on. The receptors in the brain are all dysregulated and the brain is not reverting to its previous state. Your niece seems to be a good person to talk to about this as she is a doctor. I would follow her advice.


We’re not talking about increasing GABA. We’re talking about restoring GABA receptors and restoring neuronal plasticity. Its not the same thing.

Is it worth taking a GABA supplement like this one ?

amazon.de/Vita-World-Apothe … words=GABA

I’m currently on the 4th day of a 14 days water fast, I’ll look into it further and probably try it out once fasting is over.

I see Bumetanide is available in both 1mg and 5mg.

I wonder what would be the best dose to take it to try and treat PFS ?

Anyone else tried bumetanide appart from @Mark2012 ?

Bumetanide/Bumex is a very potent loop diuretic. It is most often used in patient’s with heart failure who are severely volume overloaded and aren’t responding to Furosemide/Lasix. Even then, it is used sparingly and with caution. Persons who are not volume overloaded and who have normal kidney function really shouldn’t take any amount of bumex. You would Diurese quickly, get super dry, and develop acute kidney injury. Resultant Hypomagnesemia and Hypokalemia could precipitate cardiac arrhythmias. It’s really not a good idea to take any amount at all, and it certainly wouldn’t be sustainable for someone who isn’t chronically volume overloaded.

Maybe it would help me then as I have gained 80lbs of water…Misery, affecting everything in my life now even breathing more difficult.