Broccoli Treatment and Painful Ejaculation

Hi, I stopped Finasteride 9 months ago after using it for about 2 months. I experienced Painful Ejaculation, ED, Loss of Libido etc. The ED has come and gone and come back again…All the classic cycles which have already been described here. What is important is that I just started the Broccoli Treatment and WOWW. Almost immediate results. It is also now clear where the painful ejaculation was coming from.
Dr. Prof. Ibrahim Adnan Saracoglu says:
“Deficiency of testosterone causes the prostate to be unable to produce its secretions. The prostate gradually begins to enlarge because of the testosterone deficiency. The enlarged prostate gradually narrows the urethra. The consequence of a narrowed urethra is disturbed urination.
Under these conditions, the bladder cannot totally be emptied (residual urine). After each urination, residual urine exists in the bladder. In residual urine, microscopic crystals, which have sharp edges, can build up. During urination, these sharp edged crystals irritate the urethra. Micro-crystals cause micro injuries to the urethra.”

So the Micro-crystals are what I have been feeling, what is curious is that I have been feeling this at moments of ejaculation, not urination. In any case what is excellent is a very clear positive response to this treatment (just ask my girlfriend). The links to this treatment are already available on this site, but here it is once again: