Bremelanotide (Melanotan II): possible future drug for increasing libido

A while back I made a post about bremelanotide. Bremelanotide is an analogue if melanotan which is supposedly highly effective at raising libido for both sexes.

Well melanotan 2 also has aphrodisiac properties, not only that but you can actually get a hold of it from quasi-legitimate sources. I am thinking of getting a hold of some and trying it out, from some posts at the anabolic minds forum it seems pretty promising. As an added benefit you can get a sexy tan to go with that raging sex drive hah.

The downside though, the FDA has a warning about it.

But at this point can we really trust the FDA?

Also I believe you have to inject the shit subcutaneously.

Also here’s an article from none other than CNN.

Some youtube videos:

This drug (Bremelanotide) is based on Melanotan II, an injectable, non-selective melanocortin receptor agonist that chemically induces skin tanning. Melanotan II has the added effect of increasing libido.

However, Melanotan II safety has not been reviewed by the FDA and thus there are warnings about it. It is in fact, illegal: … 90507.html

I am not advocating anyone take this compound. The FDA cautions consumers about injecting any substance, particularly products that are not FDA-approved, into their bodies without consulting a licensed healthcare provider. The above is just background info on Melanotan II, as it is the basis for Bremelanotide, the drug being developed for treatment of libido loss (below).

Bremelanotide – developed by Palatin Technologies: … erview.asp


Bremelanotide (formerly PT-141) is the generic term for a new medication for use in treating sexual dysfunction in men (erectile dysfunction or impotence) as well as sexual dysfunction in women (sexual arousal disorder). It is the only known synthetic aphrodisiac. Unlike Viagra and other related medications, it does not act upon the vascular system, but directly increases sexual desire. Bremelanotide is a spray introduced nasally.

Originally, the peptide Melanotan II that bremelanotide was developed from was tested as a sunless tanning agent. In initial testing, Melanotan II did induce tanning but additionally caused sexual arousal and spontaneous erections as unexpected side effects in nine out of the ten original male volunteer test subjects.[1] In clinical studies, bremelanotide has been shown to be effective in treating male sexual and erectile dysfunction as well as female sexual dysfunction. It is currently being tested by Palatin Technologies.

A Phase III clinical trial was scheduled to begin in the first half of 2007, but was delayed until August 2007. On August 30th, Palatin announced that the FDA had expressed serious concerns regarding the benefit/risk ratio of bremelanotide with regards to the side effect of increased blood pressure. The FDA also stated that they would consider alternate uses for bremelanotide, including as a treatment for individuals who do not respond to more established ED treatments.

I am counting the days for this drug to be made available. My low libido is going to end my relationship, and Viagra, Cialis, nor Levitra is helping (since libido is not what these drugs address).

I swear, I must be the only person in his mid 20s, who has lived healthy, never taken any drugs, yet can’t maintain an erection or have any sexual drive. This is my only savior.

I lost my girl due to low libido. I thought these kinds of things only happen in movies. She dumped me and even gloated at my problems.

Check pt141 which is a derivative of melatonan ii and it addresses libido. It is available for sale. I ordered it before and made a nasal application, but did nit have any effect. Now i am ordering again and will be injecting it…

you need to inject it

i get great tan from mt2. Libido only lasts a day but the erections stay

Where do you get it from mate?
And how long did it take for the erections to begin?

Has anyone on the forum had success in alleviating their low libido by using Bremelanotide?

I am just curious if it is possible that it does not work for any of us. It seems to have a high success rate in the general population.

Had a super weird reaction to it, but it did not work as I hoped. I do think some others should consider trying it.

I tried injecting 1 mg (two .5 mg doses 2 hours apart) and got no effect. Was a disappointment because was really looking forward to having the experience, even if only temporarily and unnaturally induced, of feeling what being sexually alive is like again. Will try again with at least 2 mg next weekend. I am 99% certain the peptide I have is of excellent quality.

Hi, there have been drug trials going on for Bremelanotide to be used for both male and female sexual dysfunction for some time now and reports look very encouraging. I don’t think it is available as yet(?), but maybe ask your doctor about it? I’ve pasted a few paragraphs from one report below. Please note these results were posted over 18 months ago…

I hear good things about Melanotan which seems more popular than PT141/Bremelanotide.
I bought some PT141 and some Melanotan II and plan to try it in Jan 2018 when I return home from working abroad. I will report back my experience.

The only thing I’ve tried that can get me through spending days with my girl is 50-100mg of proviron and a low 5mg daily dose of Cialis (Tadalafil) which I probably could go with 2.5. However, the lack of feeling in my penis and difficulty with ejaculation is still present.

I’ve put together a drug regimen that I plan to try Jan next year as well. See below. I will post my finding as well in another post.

GABA - 500 mg / Per day (night)
Cabgolin - 0.25 mg / Every other day (morning)
Proviron - 50 mg / Per day (morning)
Tadalafil - 2.5 mg / every other day (morning)