Brazilian guy, 20 yrs old, 1 year of finasteride and after 7 months.. no recoverry

i think anything that helps your body …is benefitial right??? cant wait to have my hair analyses done

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So has it helped you with your erections shrinkage libido and depression bc it sounds like your are doing much better. Are you still doing better?
Ps what is you testosterone level at?

im doing better…but its no closer to what i was pre FIN…my sensitivity is a fucking JOKE…i cin literally pintch my corona and dont feel a thing

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My sensitivity is ok but how is your shrinkage and libido and ED OVERALL and how about depression? Are you better overall?

mentally i feel ok…but fuck this sensitivity issue is DAMN soo irritating

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What about libido erections and T level?

i ve always had normal…t levels…libido is improving and so is erection…however sensitivty is an issue… and so is my penis size…it changes so FAST…its ridiculous…and also purple veins that i never had before. so this is my situation now… overall i feel pretty normal…but i still lack that sparkle for life

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Man my lots normal one day and a 100 years old the next. My drive is low still but erections are better for sure but still they don’t fucking last long. What is our t level at anyways
I’m thinking of trying autohemotherapy or ozone rherapy

You should consider yourself very lucky, what I would do to get rid of the mental sides.

If I didn’t have my mental/vision sides I’d be able to piece my life back together even with how my sexual sides currently stand.

In what way would autohemotherapy help with shrinkage?

what did they told you about your pelvic MRI? thank you

nothing specific…just you know…´.its nothing to be concerned about´. Im starting to feel that weird feeling again…god please…when will this stop??

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what do you mean you’re starting to get that weird feeling again? you feel as though your PFS symptoms are coming back or you feel like your sensitivity is returning?

hey brother, i read about the emotional stuff you posted. you are not the only person whos having this hellish situation now.
i lost my girlfriend who is an ex-model -5 years we dated, i failed to graduate this year, i cant join any pool parties, i rarely get out with my friends. every year; valentines, christmas, and new years eve where you could see other people that are happy, im crying in the corner for having a pathetic life and im just sitting here in front of the computer all day waiting for the drug to kick in. really, i could relate with the experience that you cant give out your 100% in school coz of this MPB. worst feeling is when i saw pictures of my ex with her new boyfriend. i cant even think what kind of work would i look for.
ive been praying for 5 years now to get my hair back. i went HT last year with finasteride. got a big scar in my back of my head.
just want to tell you dont give up whatever happens. dont think about suicide again.

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Brother, have you recovered after all these years? By the way, seeing that your cognitive problem has been solved in 8 months, can you describe to me how it happened


Hey - seen you’re back around. How have you been feeling?