Brainstorming Ideas to get the funds

I am 27 Male from India. I took the medication while I was in United States and left the country jus after a week I was hit by PFS.
Like every other PFS victim, I thought of contemplating suicide. In India, people are not even aware of what PFS is, which is making the situation much worse.

As you all know, all the PFS victims needed to be studied, if a cure has to be found. For any movement, funds are required for PFS organization. Lets please actively participate in getting the funds for PFS and get our problems cured.

Below are the ideas that I have.

  1. Lets please talk to Merck and outline how many suicides have happened just because of Propecia and what kind of pain a person living through PFS. Any experienced doctor treating this condition and presenting the information to Board of Directors of Merk and ask them to contribute to the PFS problem as part of Corporate Social Responsibility might help. If Merck can find a solution eventually, it helps Merck increase its business.

  2. How about approaching the Information Technology giants about our situation and requesting a few millions for the study.

  3. Explaining the situation to an influential politician and requesting him to pressurize the cause.

  4. Talking to celebrities about the problem and asking for a solution. Its a better way to make public donate to this organization.

  5. If we can give tax exclusions to the donations, there can be some more donations.

  6. Media should talk about the existing PFS victims who need help and the suffering they are going through.

Please add your suggestions and make our living a bit worth.

All excellent ideas poorvictim. I was hoping to duplicate the success we had last summer in raising awareness. I think we should make better use of the front page of this website to galvanize people to take actions.

Our case is quite different. People dont think its life threatening and some people take it light as it is occurred while getting treated for hair loss. Also, Media and News organizations mentions…side effects of HAIR LOSS drug rather than highlighting pathological issues of this problem. So all non profits or people who seriously want to assist might take this on lighter side as the cosmetic cause is being highlighted.

But, PFS is as painful as any other dangerous cancer or we dont even how worse it can get.

Also, we cannot expect any pharmacies invest in our cause as they think its the problem of very few thousands and its waste of investment. So, our hope is only non profits or corporate wings which give money as part of its corporate social responsibility.

We need to reach out to influential ones with stories of how destroyed our life is. how our minds hangs between suicide and living every few days. we need to do that as soon as possible as noone is the forum can take any delay in this issue.

Dr.Irwing of PFS CEO all are big help. I am sure they are aware of the issue. however, we are not sure about the amount of funds they have received so far. Our group admins can have a discussion with them and present the ideas and request for quick action to stop few more suicides.

Again, we dont have any numbers to substitute our cause. But, its surely pain for thousands around the world.