Brain Fog Worse After Ejaculation

Hi All.

I have been getting brain fog lately, and it’s driving me crazy. If I don’t masturbate or have sex for a while, the symptoms become bearable, but for several days after ejaculating I’m almost useless. What could this mean? What happens chemically after ejaculating? The symptoms are much worse almost immediately after ejaculation, so whatever happens right then is the cause of all this, I’m sure.

Does anyone else feel this way?

Do you have any further symptoms or exacerbation of symptoms after ejaculating?

After some poking around, it seems dopamine is highly elevated prior to ejaculation, and then comes crashing down afterwords. According to this website…

The symptoms of low dopamine are nearly identical to what I am experiencing, they even mention “brain fog.” So, I would expect that I am suffering chronically low dopamine levels. So I guess I need to figure out why my dopamine is so low…

“In the frontal lobes, dopamine controls the flow of information from other areas of the brain. Dopamine disorders in this region of the brain can cause a decline in neurocognitive functions, especially memory, attention, and problem-solving. Reduced dopamine concentrations in the prefrontal cortex are thought to contribute to attention deficit disorder. It has been found that D1 receptors[19] as well as D4 receptors[20] are responsible for the cognitive-enhancing effects of dopamine, whereas D2 receptors are more specific for motor actions.” From wikipedia.

I ABSOLUTELY feel the effect in the front of my brain and behind my eyes.

I read a thread earlier where cocaine helped people’s symptoms, and I just found that cocaine acts to cause a major increase in dopamine. (Also on the wikipedia dopamine page).

After a bit of searching, it seems this topic is already been well covered on this website. There doesn’t seem to be any conclusions as to the cause of the low dopamine, or whether or not it is low dopamine receptors and not low dopamine.

Supposedly, green tea and exercise can increase dopamine receptors. I found a few studies linking dopamine receptors with endurance training, which would explain the evidence of people feeling better from exercise.

Interesting. Please post these in the Other Studies section so they don’t get buried in this thread. Thx

I don’t believe so. Oddly, other symptoms seem to have minor improvement while my brain fog gets worse. I have been getting quite horny when I am with my girlfriend. My penis responds to my sexual excitement, though I have been avoiding sex because ejaculation makes me a zombie and I am still not certain I could keep an erection. I even think (though I am not certain) that my penis has become SLIGHTLY more sensitive near the head than it has been previously. I have also been thinking of naked women nearly every time I close my eyes.

Unfortunately, I did not TRY to ejaculate last night. I was finally (after a week) feeling good enough to study for my final exams, and then I had a sex dream and blew my load while sleeping. Such terrible timing, as usual.

So, I just realized that my depression and hopelessness feelings also go way up.

This study talks about the changes in the endocrine after orgasm, should be an interesting read for you.

i feel the same.
if i dont ejaculate the next day is much better.
if i dont ejaculate hopeless turns into “nothing” or maybe hope , but i dont want to go out on a limb


Would like to link this to here also:


In the past few months I have discovered that abstaining from masturbation improves my condition drastically. Especially brain fog and anxiety.

This is/was also my main problem. But I found a solution for myself. Take a look at this thread:


I am experimenting since april or may with it. Since then my post ejaculation symptoms are almost completly gone - when I dont exaggerate it. Niacin is also a very good medication against Brainfog for me. My state of brainfog isnt always the same. Somedays I have a mild one some days major. On a very few days I dont have it at all. But on a day where I have a major brainfog I can take Niacin and when getting the flush (as describe in the niacin thread) I have total relieve from the brainfog state…

I would think it would relate to the sudden release of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Look for Post Orgamic Illness Syndrome

I have extreme brain fog and I feel better after climax. Slightly lesss scatterbrained, less tension, better mood. It’s about the only thing that helps my symptoms.