Hi, I wanna share with you guys my story (my odyssey) with Propecia. English is not my native language so I’m sorry for any possible mistake.
I started to take Propecia 5 months ago and I stopped yesterday after I stumbled upon this website.
I had lots of mental side effects, mainly mental.
Here is an incomplete list:
- I can’t concentrate or focus on anything anymore
- I have problems with finding the right word and this affects my speech very badly.
- My short term memory has been vastly affected as well, I’m very forgetful.
- I have problems to put my thoughts into speech
- I even have problems organizing my thoughts.
- I have problems reading. I have to re-read sentences many times before understanding the meaning of the words. It’s like my mind can’t “picture” the word.
- I confuse languages. Sometimes I speak a mix of italian, spanish and english without a reason.
- My self esteem has gone downhill.
I didn’t have any of those problems before starting taking Propecia. I’ve always been a guy with no problems focusing/concentrating on things and before taking Propecia I was one of the best student in my university.
As I said before I stopped the medication yesterday after finding your posts.
Now I don’t know what to do.
I’m trying to eat as healthy as possible. My diet is composed by lots of veggie, chicken breast, salmon, steaks, fruits and whole wheat foods. I eliminated from my diet all processed foods, junk foods, sugar, white wheat foods, tuna, alcohol and coffee.
I exercise 4 times a week.
I take a supplement of omega 3 and a multivitamins.
Hope that’s enough to get rid of my brain fog.
I’ll let you know.
Good luck to everybody.