Brain Fog with Panic

I have been off of Fin for about 3 months now. I experienced severe brain fog/anxiety 6-9 months before quitting but didn’t realize fin was the culprit.

For those who experienced brain fog - did you also notice heavy anxiety/panic attacks occurring during times when the fog was severe? I have noticed a pretty strong correlation. Usually what will happen is that I will hit a really bad brain fog attack, and this will lead into a huge adrenaline rush/ panic attack… i will get numb, extremely worried, and have to stop whatever i’m doing and walk around/drink water while I “de-freak”. This kind of thing had been going on for the last few months while i was on Fin, too. Being 3 months off, i thought i would see an improvement by now.

Getting sick of this. I seriously can’t enjoy my life bc i’m always fogged up or just feel like i’m in a constant state of agitation. Has anyone had this correllation between brain fog and extreme panic attacks? Did people see improvement eventually?

Looking back on my 2 year stint on finasteride, I always feel foolish in that I didn’t connect the dots either. This to me (in hindsight at least) was the biggest clue that the drug was tweaking me. I also have memories of my last few months on finasteride (it was finals week at my college and my panic attacks were so severe I had to do the exact same thing… I would pace around my back yard trying my hardest to stabilize my breathing). And my anxiety has almost completely cleared up since stopping. Yes it was very rough in the first few months off of the drug, but began to improve considerably within the first year. However, I believe my body’s reaction to stress/anxiety is changed. Though I do not feel anxiety in the form of panic/shortness of breath like I used to, when there is something that would definitely be considered stressful happening to me, I believe it pushes my brain further into a fog. This is probably the lack of allopregnanolone in the brain, which is why I am so intrigued by long-term progesterone treatment, as I really believe it could be the answer to a lot of our problems…

Well I’m glad some things have improved for you at least.

Have you been taking Progesterone? Isn’t it possible to test those levels with a blod test to determine if you are deficient?

I am not taking it, but I know some people have had some success. And I should probably be able to answer your second question, but I cannot. Lol