Brain fog the main problem

I just want to treat my brainfog. Recommendations…?

Come on…?

Cortef is how I got rid of brainfog. 30-35mg per day taken in 4-5 doses.

How long r u taking it ?when it took affect ?and how severe was it?

Ben taking it on and off for about 4-5 years. It took a few months of working out the dosage + timing before I started noticing it benefits. These days if I get brain frog I can pop 7.5mg and it goes away.

So cortef had effect only on brain fog ?

No, I gained muscle/weight back, my energy was way higher, I was less shitty towards people in social situations, could handle more stress, sleep was better and woke up more refreshed, less anxious/strung, dark circles under eyes went away.

Had no effect on sex drive or erection quality though.

did any one dared to try to take again this fucking drug to see if it can restore our Pre PFS situation?

Come on no one dares to do it¿