Eating (anything) triggers a huge wave of brain fog, fatigue, face/head/ear pressure, and autophony in my ear. All on the left side - left ear, left side of head and face.
I have all the classic neuro symptoms - crippling brain fog, high anxiety, delayed vision, slurred speech, etc.
I know many of you suffer from neurological symptoms and there are thousands of posts on the topic so I’m going to concentrate this post and hope to hear from other members with a similar experience - Neuro symptoms (Brain fog and the rest) being triggered by Eating
The brain fog onset is immediate before digestion kicks in - it isn’t a food intolerance or digestive issue. I’ve done all the diets and gut cleansing. I’m convinced that it is nervous system dysfunction and/or neurosteroid imbalance where my brain is reacting improperly to certain stimuli (eating in my case).
Benzos (GABA modulator) lessen the severity of this phenomena, further pointing to nervous system dysfunction / neurosteroids firing improperly.
Over the 5+ years of dealing with this, I’ve had to radically alter my schedule to avoid eating any time I need to use my brain.
Eager to hear from other members with a similar experience. Anything that has helped, any doctors you’ve seen that are knowledgeable and have helped. I’ve been researching this for years and have a lot of context to offer for anyone interested in connecting and exploring treatment options.