Brain Fog From Just 1 Pill

Clomid will raise your free test and estrogen it usually balances them out…Mine were both low…Similar to yours the one test was all I had done on estradiol…yours is low…

Actually I don’t know they were low they may have always been like that…My total test was only 380 9 years ago…These levels vary greatly from man to man it was completely normal for me and finastride actually raised my total testosterone

My normal testosterone total before all this was about 850 regularly lol. Why would my Estrone be high but my Estradiol be so low? A month ago Estradiol was mid range…


Endocrinologist recommended to 1)try low dose Clomid
2) low dose Amridex
3) do nothing and wait
4) see a naturalistic physician. Any thoughts on this? I have been trying to lower my carb intake to practically nothing but I always crash and end up eating a spoonful of raw peanut butter or going for something sweet. It is so hard man.

I know it’s hard. This guy here is an expert on ketosis (look at his skin). He works at implementing ketosis in american soldier as it’s superior to sugar burning. Keto soldiers; It has to be good.

There’s a short cut to become keto: you take a glass of Beta-Hydroxybutyrate and you become keto in 1 hour. Sorry I couldn’t tell you before, I just found out.

So you cut carbs 100% and when you’re too low on sugar and start to feel weak or crave carbs, you take half a dose ( to be safe) of this stuff. If you feel better within 30-60 minutes, you take the other half.
You can also try it just to test before cutting carbs, on an empty stomach when you feel hungry. Then you wait 1 hour without eating and what you will feel gives you an idea of how we feel on ketosis (really good if you ask me)

As for the blood test, Clomid and Amridex, you would have to ask someone else that has experience with those. I heard it helped some and ruined others. I personally bought some, took quarter doses for 2-3 days and stopped out of fear. I managed to get better without it.
I only took a blood test when I crashed, got prescribed bullshit drugs by my physician as a result and then I lost faith in their ability to treat pfs. They just don’t have a clue. Some guys have done blood tests and found the specific supplement to correct the markers that were out of line. I personally don’t have much knowledge in this as full blood tests are expensive in Thailand and I don’t want to blow 500$ every time I want to know if I’m feeling good or not.
I still took a look at your results and yes, it shows too much estrogen (although it’s not balanced in all its variants) and it seems to inhibits your free testosterone. SHBG is through the roof, showing lots of sexual hormone activities, unfortunately not the right ones for a man. I’m not an expert, take this with a grain of salt.

Seeing a naturalistic physician is a good idea. But they often go with the old paradigm: eat lots of whole grain, fruits and veggies with lean meat.
It’s better than Mc-Donald’s but with pfs you can react to fruits (too much sugar) and veggies (5ari) and lean meat doesn’t give you the cholesterol you need to make hormones, brain and nerve cells, let alone give you energy. Whole grain are 5ari (because of a fungus growing on the outer shell while being stored), Gluten and Corn often cause inflammation to the brain or guts and carbs creates excitatory neurotransmitters like Glutamate and stress hormones like Cortisol.

So it’s up to you. You choose your path. I can’t know if the one I took is better for you but nonetheless check out the video with the ketosis expert. Ask other people if they have tried those drugs and what was the result. My opinion: it’s risky. But what do I know ?

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I’ll check it out. Thank you Ozeph. For what it’s worth for your studies, all of my body, pubic, armpit hair has changed in consistency. It is no longer rough and frizzy, rather it is thinner, and softer, with signs of graying and losing pigmentation in some areas. Also, my body odor is very different. It is now a harsh, more chemical odor. Very strange.

It does that. I lost all body odors a year ago, I thought it came back but it turn out I smell like a man only when I supplement with Horny Goat Weed and the rest of the time I smell like a kid (no body odor).

Hormone imbalances means a lot of changes.

I used to think I thought I lost my body odor, but I think I actually lost my sense of smell. Cause sometimes my girlfriend says “wow you smell” after a gym session and I could not smell myself at all. I can’t smell foods and outdoors either.


I notice that while my body odour is less, I can now now smell something under my arms after I’ve had a shower. Before this I used to think it was annoying and after crash I couldn’t smell anything. I noticed that the smell came back on the right side first.

I think it’s a good sign. Anything that’s close to or getting closer to normal must be a plus.


Most of the anecdotal data on this site and the actual science we have says that pfs isn’t a problem with the levels of hormones, but rather a problem with the body’s processing of them or their signalling. I would strongly advise against tinkering with your endocrine system. Your doctor’s recommendations are based on a person who doesn’t have pfs and whose androgen receptors aren’t over expressing.

Very sorry to hear of the state this drug has put you in, I too developed pfs after 1 mg of finasteride. You have my sympathy along with everyone else here too.


So after reading about Avena Sativa and it helping to lower SHBG, I ordered some Avena Sativa Extract from Hawaii Pharm. I took 0.75ml of it in about 4 oz cold water and within a couple of minutes, I got bad worsening of brain fog, tingling hard pressure around eyes, and constant yawning, I had constant yawning right after my initial crash as well. Why would a natural substance like Oat extract cause this?

There are plenty of naturally occurring poisons and venoms out there.

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Wanted to post an update, as time goes by I don’t want to forget exactly what I experienced and when…After progressively experiencing worsening symptoms, the week of June 5th I experienced a very bad crash.

When I crashed, all hell broke loose and my skin changed very drastically and quickly, I literally saw my pores and hair change. My skin became a very rosy color, like it had a rosy tint, as if your face was flushed with blood or something, but all over my skin. It was like my pores in my skin changed sizes or something man, followed by my hairs starting to become very soft and thin. It was accompanied with losing probably 5 pounds of muscle, like within a week, and very bad burning of the nipples, my nipples actually enlarged, were like semi-hard all the time, and they have stayed this way.

I also had burning on my skin, my skin turned very rubbery like a neoprene suit, and my muscles became extremely weak and twitchy, and also a shake to them constantly. vascularity in my arms continued to change, where my veins appeared less superficial (less visible and prominent), and more of a grayer, watery tint to them… and Also experienced bad problems with my hands, feet, and arms going numb and getting very cold all of the time. None of this has improved.

I am currently exploring options with diet to lower inflammation, I am walking outside in the sun with shorts, a t shirt, and flip-flops for 30-45 minutes daily. Sometimes I jog lightly, but any time I exercise at all my brain fog gets very bad and my muscles get very weak and stiff. I did a set of 10 body weight squats after my walk yesterday and I am sore as shit, like I did a full leg workout lol. Absolutely insane. Things I am planning to include in my plan within the next couple of months:
-infrared saunas multiple times per week
-eliminating cow dairy products
-eliminating gluten (already done)
-eliminating refined sugars and carbohydrates (extremely hard)

  • trying Boron supplement to lower SHBG
  • Still undecided on trying low-dose Clomid

@Dknighten Experiencing same skin side effects as you, though they fluctuate daily, aswell as my sensitivity to pain and itch… God save us

Mine are staying constant, getting worse gradually it seems like. So your skin is rubbery, and a lot softer?

Yes, and i can’t feel the heat of the floor when it’s sunny outside etc, as if nerves got damaged

What condition are your muscles in? Any experiences with fat gain, fat loss?

Lost 3kg in 3 weeks, I’ve always had a low bodyfat, don’t think it has changed. The worst thing is change of taste/senses, like touching something, it feels different than before. Not sure if you experience this too.

Until I pulled up the Baylor study on my phone. She did her residency at Baylor and got very interested.

I was unaware baylor was released? Where is it?

I’d be interested to talk to you on the phone if possible. Reason being, these sort of symptoms are extremely tough to explain to someone else, same as brain fog. A shriveled rubbery dick is just that, burning nipples are just that, but some symptoms are very hard to explain. Is this possible?