Brain fog 5years

i,m korean
a little english ㅠㅠ
i not propecia 5years ago
pfs 5years
main symptoms…my brain seems to be blocked
brain fog…memory loss…deep sleep not…hand foot cold…very timid…depression…very anxiety…not emotion…
incapacity…my life is ruined
want kill me…very painful
what solution plan??
nutritional supplements??

There are products in development that will help alleviate brainfog and mental symptoms, hang in there

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Drink ginkgo biloba tea, 3 x a day… also take citicholine and ps100 brain supplements… also do a hair mineral test with arl labs and get on their suggested supplements… we’re all fighting similar problems, good luck!

Dear jooyong,

I am sorry this happened to you. Many of us know how you feel.

Never loose hope! Two important scientific studies are to be released within the next twelve months which promise to fundamentally increase our understanding of this condition. Also, your symptoms seem to be largely mental. There is some hope that medications based on Allopregnanolone may improve mental symptoms. They are currently under development and have shown some promise.

Hang in there! Never give up! You never know. Hope might just be around the corner.


jooyong -

영어로만 말하므로 Google 번역을 사용합니다. 당신과 같은 편이지만, 7 년 이상 향상되었습니다. 자살 2 번, 항우울제를 복용해야했습니다. 결국 항우울제가 도움이되어서 기분이 좋지 않았지만 인생은 계속 살기에 충분했습니다.

자유롭게 나에게 메시지를 보내라.


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I hope you don’t mind but I translated from google translate:

jooyong -
We speak only English, so we use Google Translate. It’s the same as you, but it has improved over seven years. Suicide # 2, I had to take an antidepressant. In the end, antidepressants helped me feel bad, but life was enough to keep living.
Send me a message freely.

Symptoms get worse when you get up early in the morning.
My body contracts and is always tense.
My brain feels numb and bleeding.
Be like a corpse
Be too painful to enjoy life
The day is hell and hard to breathe.

very thanks
Be comforting
In Korea, we are not familiar with pfs.
I hope you get well too.

Thank you very much.
That’s good news.
Should I wait another year?
It’s going to be hard, but I’ll wait.

Thank you very much.
Good luck to you, too.
It will be fixed soon.

Thank you very much.
Good news !!
I will wait.
Good luck.

Where, who, for real…What are they? Kon93

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Sage’s allopreg there is a thread on research section i think

Stop eating sugar and don’t take any stimulant like coffee or any caffeine of any kind (that includes green tea). Try to eat very low carb, like ketogenic. You will see your fog symptoms improve if you do this.

to be clear, milk has sugar in it so don’t drink it. Fruit has sugar in it so don’t eat it. Those things are for healthy people and we’re not healthy. The less you eat, the better your thinking will be.

This is a real help for brain fog, one that actually works.


So sorry for your suffering. Have you seen the doctor?

님… 저도 한국인입니다…
이름도 왜 저랑 거의 같으시네요…ㅜㅜ

오 반가워요 pfs인가요 ?대다모회원분이신지?여기서 보니 반갑네요

네… 대다모 활동했었어요 ㅠㅠ 지낼만하세요??

넵 alska입니다 제글 많아요 pfs로 힘든시간보낸거…5년째니까요
죽을라하다가 버티고 견디네요 지옥이 따로없네요 님의 상태는 어떤가요

아 알스카님 이시군요…ㅜㅜ 저랑 쪽지 몇번 나눴던…
저도 죽을맛입니다… 매일매일 자살충동이 그냥 생각나구요…
우울감만 좀 해결하면 그냥저냥 버티겠는데 우울증이 제일 심각합니다… 항우울제 복용 고려중이에요