bostonusa2009's story

I am aware of low T levels in me, but I believe everything is connected to my thyroid. My testicles were pretty small at the time I had those tests done, but since then have become bigger and my erections are practically returned to normal.

I went with synthroid due to the fact that my parents have been on it with no ill side effects for years and the fact I’ve heard more negative side effects from Armour then Synthroid. Synthroid has also been out a lot longer(since 1955) and has more of a proven track record than other thyroid medications.

I also suspect the thyroid problem has caused the low Testosterone as well. It might take a while to return my levels back to normal, but I will go this route rather than use something like a trt. I have been having erections every night since beginning the thyroid medication.

If your family has used sythroid, maybe you have an objective way of looking at it. I obviously had no idea that was the case. I was trying to make you aware that one is made in a factory and the other is natural from animals. I hope it works for you, regardless.

I don’t seem to have erection problems anymore either. It just feels like the testosterone levels have to recover now. Which will take some time. I remember I went on Accutane for 6 months that did a good job of treating my acne. People said that Accutane has the same life long side effects as Fin, but honestly I didn’t have long lasting side effects from Accutane, I didn’t even suffer from hair loss while I was on it. I had very servere acne and even had acne when I stopped treatment. However, Fin has eradicated my acne. Which tells me how much worse Fin is compared to Accutane.

Fin is like droping a nuclear weapon inside your body, and at least with Accutane I knew what I was getting myself into and it was not an easy drug to procure. With Fin, that drug is as easy to get as candy, even by the so called hair-loss specialists who say it’s a miracle.

Fin is a miracle for growing hair. But hair growth is just a side effect of what the drug actually does…kills your cock

If Fin causes hypothyroidism, then it can cause hair loss like it did in me. I lost an overwhelming majority of all my body hair. It’s starting to come back but the long lasting physical and mental damage has been done.

I’m surprised someone hasn’t tried to weaponize Fin.

Yeah it sounds like its meant to kill something…“finasteride”…we should have been all put off by the name.
It wouldnt be hard to beat an army fogged up and worrying about their 1 inch dicks

I believe body hair is dictated by dht, not the thyroid - but they do have some interrelation. How long after taking thyroid did it start coming back? was your hair rougher/dryer before thyroid and did that improve as well?

Boston2009, has there been any further development in your testing/treatment? JN is still having success and is now off DHT replacement, however the T replacement is still a factor, but if so it’s become more effective with T3.

Ok here goes,

I had a disasterous situation happen at a doctor’s visit last week. I was diagnosed as having low functioning thryoid by a doctor that I went to see in NY. I live near Boston and he is too far away and too expensive to continue seeing.

I was seeing a doctor who was ok, not a great doctor. He believed that propecia caused my problems and wanted to help. THe problem was he doesn’t believe in Thyroid meds and looked at the test results and told me, the results do not indicate thyroid problem. So I went to see a new local endo, that was recommended from a female friend of mine, who ironically has thyroid disease.

He looked at my bloodwork and told me that “blank” doctor from NY was an idiot and I did not have a thyroid problem based on the test results. He looked at some of my other blood work and said my testosterone level was normal.

I tried to be open minded with the guy and probed at him, asking what he thought my problem might be. The guy was very arogant about it and basically said to me, If you are looking for someone like the doctor from NY to simply agree with you your not going to be happy. He said I will fall in the same agreement with another doctor that I seen in the boston area.

I told him that I didn’t like that doctor and I really hoped that he wasn’t alligning himself with him. I proceeded to ask him why he was telling my Testosterone was low when I did not give him the ranges associated with it. How could he know it was low. I wasn’t trying to be a prick, I’m just trying to understand how this could be.

The guy basically turned around signed a piece of paper, as if we were done. I asked him if that was it? Your not going to try to help me? The conversation turned into a huge argument and came very closed to becoming physical as I told him he was a horrible doctor. I think I have boiling up with these doctors and finally it came to head.

I have no idea what to think now. I was trying to have a conversation with this damn guy, but that was impossible because patients shouldn’t know anything in this guys eyes.

Now I have had two doctors tell me the results of the thryoid test(TRH test) do not indicate thyroid. Is there truth to this? Now I have no idea. I certainly know my Testosterone if low, so that isn’t disputable.

To add to the confusion, I had been feeling pain in my knees for about an hour or so each day. The start of this coincided with the timeline of the Armour thyroid I began taking. I used to have this same problem about few months into finally quiting P, but it went away.

So I stopped taking the Armour and the pain in my kees stopped the following day. I wonder if it’s that I simply need slow realease T3 rather than the Armour, which is T1,T2,T3 & T4?

I’m not sure what to do now, but I would like to have a RT3 test done and heavy metal poisoning, just to rule that out as well. I can’t find a helpful F’n doctor within a 100 mile area of Boston.

read your experience, im sorry to hear it.

If you have a low functioning thyroid, wouldnt your hair be falling out?

Your doctor is a jerk. They are some around boston trust me…They are also very incompetent for not wanting to help you…

That’s why I decided to go to Dr. Crisler…He actually listens and try’s to help out his patients…It’s a process, but I like the guy… He is geniune…

It’s time to stop utilizing the medical industry to solve our problem when they have no interest.

Boston, you can get all the thyroid/adrenal tests done here yourself. has listed the tests needed and the labs you can get them from WITHOUT A DOCTOR REQUEST:


Do some in depth reading, there are people who have explored every dosage and thyroid treatment option in the forums. I agree, if Armour is causing this reaction, as was T4, there is a good chance it’s Rt3 dominance, which is one of 2 reasons why JN may be having more success than you. The other is the T supplementation. JN recommended the following tests:

STTM recommends more in the links above. If you want as much information and accurate diagnosis there is nothing better you can do than get their recommended tests beyond the ones you’ve already had and learn how to interpret them yourself.

There are a ton of message boards out there with people who have been suffering from thyroid problems and had to self diagnose and treat because the doctors arrogance makes them ineffective. The primary source of info comes from stopthethyroidmadness.

IF YOU THINK THE THYROID COULD BE THE SOURCE OF OR AGGRAVATING YOUR PROBLEM, PAY FOR THE LABS AND STOP FUCKING WITH DOCTORS. There is more information out there from people who have a vested interest in healing themselves just like us than we can get from any guy with a medical degree and white lab coat. It’s time to accomplish on our own what we can and go from there. If you want success go with the people who have an interest in helping!

Isn’t that the problem we face most often, 95 percent of our fight is getting a doctor to believe us? The truth about doctors not wanting to treat us:

  1. We know more about finasteride and the condition than they do which insults their ego
  2. They diagnose by labs and optimum ranges which don’t apply to healthy, young males
  3. We are a malpractice risk if they treat in unorthadox ways
  4. They are scared of the pharma industry
  5. There is no business benefit to them, it’s much easer to get patients in and out and keep the billing up than it is to take time on figuring out what’s wrong with us
  6. ETC

There aren’t any doctors who specialize in our condition and have success treating it. here is enough info on line to diagnose and self treat more effectively than doctors who don’t specialize in our condition.

*JN is excluded from all doctor remarks above

I don’t think so. My DHT is borderline high. It’s 62 ng/dl Range 25-75.

Before synthroid my hair was brittle, hard and thin. Now it’s much softer and becomming thicker. I’m also shedding more hair, but no visible hairloss.

Synthroid has worked well for me. Like I told Boston, Synthroid has a much better track record than Armour. Armour has much worse side effects than Synthroid. Synthroid is the by-all be-all treatment for hypothyroidism.

I would switch to Synthroid Boston. It will increase your T3 as well, I can confirm that in my tests. You won’t have any problems on it I wouldn’t think. The first couple weeks I was on it I was in a lot of pain, but I think that had to do with my hypotonic muscle fatigue due to recovering from hypothyroidism.

Unfortunately you probably have Hasimoto’s disease like I do due to Fin. Regardless of what natural TSH you produce it will not matter because your immune system will just attack at what ever thyroid you produce, the only way to bypass this is with synethetic T4.

Try and get a Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies Test. It should be less than 35 to 0 IU/mL. Anything more than that will show you have an auto-immune disease that’s attacking your thyroid. Mine is 864, clearly indicating Hashimoto’s disease.

Thin or slow hair growth or hair loss is a symptom of hypothyroidism. You can be hypothyroid only and lose body hair.

Update for you guys,

In my mind there’s no question much if not all of our symptoms are thyroid related.

I posted on my thread that i had knee paids when I was on the Armour thyroid, so I discontinued taking it. I had started a new cycle of HCG, one injection.

I felt some Testosterone increase as a result of the HCG, but low and behold I started to feel like shit again. No energy, no motivation, no focus, the whole 9 yards.

So I had been off of the Armour for about 5-6 days. When I started taking the armour and the whole time on it, I felt good with the exception of the knee pain thing. I just wasn’t sure if it was related so I stopped the armour.

Well two days ago I started taking the Armour again. Incredible energy, focus, motivation, quick thinking. It’s all back. I also have had some mild sexual improvements, just like I did when I first started the armour. It’s most likely that i might not have the right dosage or I need to simply be on T3 only.

So I will stay on this armour until I can get a blood test that verfiies that I have high RT3. I just spoke with my doctor and man I wish I called him to speak with him before about this. He is familiar with high RT3. He wants me to wait 10 days before having the test done.

I think this just good news for everyone on here. It’s more confirmation that it’s possible that many of the guys on this forum have a thyroid problem. I was so focused today on my job, I don’t even want to come on this forum. I just wanted to share this with you guys, to keep you guys motivated.

Get your thyroid hormones tested and don’t be afraid to get a second opinion from another doctor. I know I have been to enough shity doctors.

I thought your current doc blew?


Regarding the joint pain, read the quote below. I’ve seen in a few places while researching that joint pain can begin after thyroid treatment is initiated. This doctor suggests it’s from low cortisol. This ties in with other literature I’ve read including on STTM about supplementing cortisol after beginning thyroid treatment until the adrenal glands can recover, which can take up to 2 years if they do.

This again is explainable using the logic of thyroid treatment. If the joint pain is pointing toward low cortisol, which was most likely overtaxed when our thyroid function was impaired. Because we know T3 is converted from T4 in the liver, it’s possible that the liver was too busy eliminating Fin from our bodies to do this properly, making us survive by the T3 directly produced in the thyroid gland, and making up the rest by our other reserves, cortisol being first in line. This fits with JN’s explanation too.

I’m really not to sure that fin is very taxing on the liver… its such a small dosage… I was taking 500 mg med for acne once a day and it didnt even increase my liver enzymes… i dont see how FIn would be that taxing on liver…

Fin has been documented to affect liver enzymes and is listed by Merck not to be taken by those with hepatic insufficiencies.