Bodybuilder's, how they reset their receptors after yearsUSE

Check this out guys, tell me what you think? I am starting to explore older body builders with burned out receptors, to see what they do, very interesting, check it out, and google along the same line.

Interesting - never really heard of this in the bodybuilding community before. It’s not openly discussed, is there any scientific basis for androgen receptors becoming insensitive over long-term use?

It’s common for people to be on steroids doses for years without any diminishing returns.

Absolutely, my HRT doctors deals with former body builders I believe, in fact it slipped out of his mouth a very much insulting thing that insinuated he seems to think my condition is a result of abusing steroids! The most test I ever took was less than a normal dose, I upped it to a normal dose after seeing him and him telling me to, I then took Avodart as I was afraid I would break out bad and alas, here I am.
Body builders do all these kinds of PCT and reset protocols, I plan to start playing with them, I mean I have nothing else to lose. If it helps body builders with desensitized receptors, why wouldn’t it help us? Protodioscin the chemical currently being discussed on here seems to have properties that can help with that from what I read. However, I am not interested in supplements, I want drugs, powerful ones that can reset my receptors, so I plan to start researching this new direction and act on it.
I will of course keep everyone up to date, I have a lot of research ahead of me as I currently know very little about their reset protocols. What peaked my interest was them saying HCG can also desensitize receptors and that it has been disproven that it can help long ago. These guys sound like PFS guys kind of, if you read their forums, that is the direction we need to go, it is worth a shot, pardon the pun.