Has anyone lost their body hair specially on their arm and leg while on fin or dut. Then regrow again after getting off the drug? I used to have very hairy body hair on arms and legs. But now their almost gone and very thin. Pls does anyone got back their body hair?
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Same problem
I was very hairy
Now still am but have is gone in terms of amount and density
How long off the drug?
15 years ago roughly
I was mostly fine for a long time…
But I crashed severely 3 years ago and started to change
Everyone is different
You are off the drug 15years?!!! Then crashed just 3years ago? You were fine with 12years?
Had a discussion with my 80 years old grandma and she said as you get old you lose body hair and also start to sweat less and no odour.
Same stuff that many PFS patients suffer from. Couldn’t help but think about PFS when she said it.