blu's hormone & blood test results

My first blood tests are here. I didnt have a detailed hormone test yet. I got an appointment with my endo for 23 July and i will post my new results about a week later.

5/30/2012 (4 months off)

Albumin 5.2 g/dl (3,5 - 5,2)
FSH 3.31 mIU/ml (1.5 - 12.4)
LH 4.76 mIU/ml (1.7 - 8.6)
TOTAL TESTOSTERONE 418 ng/dl (241 - 827)
SHBG 21.8 nmol/L (13 - 71 nmol/L)

07/13/2012 (5.5 months off)

Glucose 79mg/dL (70-105)
Urea 23mg/dL (19-55)
Creatinin 0,79mg/dl (0,7-1,3)
AST 12U/L (5-34)
ALT 11U/L (0-45)
LDH 154U/L (125-243)
Cholesterol 163mg/dl (0-200)
Triglyceride 108mg/dL (0-150)
HDL Cholesterol 30 mg/dL (40-60)
LDL Cholesterol 114 mg/dl (60-130)

WBC 6,29k/uL (4,6-10,2)
RBC 5,6K/uL (4,4-6,3)
Mcv 81,57 fL (80-97)
HCT 45,71 % (37,7-53,7)
MCH 27,77 pg (27-31)
MCHC 34,05 g/dl (31,8-35,4)
HGB 15,56 g/dl (12,2-18,1)
RDW 13,77 % (11,6-14,8)
LYM% 31,7% (10-50)
MON% 6,2% (0-12)
EOS% 1,5% (0-7)
BAS% 1,4% ( 0-2,1)
PLT 207K/uL (142-424)
MPV 7,68fL (0-99)
PCT 0,159% (0-9,9)
PDW 13,75% (0-99,9)
NEU% 59,2% (37-80)
NEU# 3,72 (2-6,9)
LYM# 1,99 (0,6-3,4)
MON# 0,39 (0-0,9)
EOS# 0,09 (0-0,7)
BAS# 0,09 (0-0,2)

Hi, i have new test results. Unfortunately i still cannot be checked my DHT level. I couldn’t find any hospital which measures DHT. I think, i need to go a special lab to do this.


Urea 36mg/dl (13-43)
Creatinin 0.7 mg/dl (0.7-1.3)
AST 96 U/L (5-34)
ALT 33 U/L (0-55)
TSH 1.95 uIU/ml (0.35-4.94)
Free 4 1.16 ng/dL (0.7-1.48)
LH 2.8 mIU/mL (1.14-8.75)
FSH 2.49 mIU/mL (1.37-13.58)
Prolactine 14.11 ng/mL (2.58-18.12)
Testosterone 402 ng/dl (160-726)


HBs Ag Negative
Anti HCV Negative
Anti HIV Negative
Anti HBS Pozitive


Glucose 80 mg/dL 70 110
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 17 mg/dL 6 23
Creatinin 0,7 mg/dL 0,7 1,2
Uric Acid 6,8 mg/dL 3,4 7
Bilirubin (TOTAL) 0,7 mg/dL (0-1)
Bilirubin (Direct) 0,3 mg/dL (0-0,2)
Bilirubin (Indirekt) 0,5
AST 14 U/L (0-40)
ALT 14 U/L (0-41)
Alkaline phosphatase 76 U/L (40-130)
amylase 53 U/L (28-100)
GGT 14 U/L (10-71)
Trigliseride 76 mg/dL (0-200)
Cholesterol 180 mg/dL(0-200)
HDL Cholesterol 37 mg/dL (0-55)
LDL Cholesterol 128 mg/dL (0-100)


AST 20 u/l (5-34)
ALT 26 U/L (0-55)
Alkaline phosphatase 78 U/L (40-150)
GGT 15 U/L (12-64)
Estradiol 26 pg/ml (11-44)
LH 3,47 mIU/mL (1,14-8,75)
FSH 2,21 mIU/mL (1,37-13,56)
Progesterone 0,5 ng/ml (0,1-0,2)
Prolactine 18,07 ng/mL (2,58-18,12) !!
Testosterone 386 ngl/dl (160-726) !!

Additionally, for a while now i was suspecting with i have gynecomastia. I also got checked out my breasts. They found a glandular tissue in my right breast and its size is 2 x 1.5 cm.

My symptoms below are still same:

  • Low libido
  • ED
  • Loss of morning, spontaneous and nocturnal erections
  • Muscle twitching
  • Waking up 4-5 am

how did you diagnose your gynecomastia? ultra sound?
what you doctor said about your genecomastia?

Yes, they used ultrasound. I got examined by a general surgery specialist and I didnt tell him about finasteride. He looked my ultrasound result and said there was a little glandular tissue which is not important. He advised me to get an appointment from an endo specialist.

blu are you going to have MRI? I can tell you brain MRI will not show you anything, if you go , go for spinal cord.

My new test results. Total T… ):


Total Testosterone 245ng/dl (241 - 827)
SHBG 18.2 nmol/L (13 - 71 nmol/L)
FSH 2.55 mIU/ml (1.5 - 12.4 )
LH 5.84 mIU/ml (1.7 - 8.6 )
ESTRADIOL 17.23 pg/mL (7.6 - 43)
PROLACTIN 9.76 ng/mL (4.6 - 21.4)

did ur endo/uro prescribe u anything? like trt maybe? I had very similar blood results as your latest and my doc wants me to try nebido (trt)

I got only the test results and will show them on next monday or tuesday.