So after researching PAS for around 2 months I finally decided to get my testosterone, prolactin, and DHT levels tested. While waiting for the results, I was reading a lot. I read that the tissues that make up our joints use DHT, and attributed my longterm joint pain to low DHT levels (my guess). I also noticed my hair was feeling great, and I hadn’t noticed much hair loss since the duration of my Accutane treatment. That, along with low libido, ED, no morning wood, yatta yatta… I thought I figured it out. Then my blood test results came back and went against my expectation.
Total T: 237 ng/dL | Range: 270-1070 ng/dL
Free T: 33.2 pg/mL | Range: 18-111 pg/mL
Prolactin: 12.17 ng/mL | Range: 2.64-13.13 ng/mL
DHT: 41 ng/dL | Range: 12-65 ng/dL
TSH: 1.34 IU/mL | Range: 0.37-6.00 IU/mL
Sooo… Only one that came back how I expected is the prolactin. I’m new to all this, so if anyone could explain: What does a low Thyroid Stimulating Hormone level say about my state? Does anyone have any idea why I would have low T and mid range DHT? I expected it to be opposite. And also: What’s the difference between Free T and total T?
Anyway, I’ve been trying to exercise a lot, and recently I’ve gone to the beach a lot and been in the sun several hours a day for my job. That, along with a clean diet. Also, in the past couple days I’ve been doing 16/8 intermittent fasting, and today for the first time in a while I had spontaneous erections and a sudden brain/dick connection. The fasting is the only variable I changed, so that’s got to be helping.