Blockers could cause permanent side effects

Might be talking out of my ass here but it seems like drugs with permanent side effects a lot of the times seem to be the blockers instead of a drug that increases. AI, Propecia and SSRI all block or suppress

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I am using a SERM (Raloxifene) hadn’t had permanent side effects with it as of yet that I could notice. No effects at all, except my gyno stopped getting worse and it probably raising my estrodial by a small bit. LH and FSH were higher as well. but other than that no issues.

Propecia however, seems to have done some crazy shit I don’t yet know for sure, but probably will recover almost completely from. It might require modifying hormones levels however and I know not everyone is comfortable doing that since because or apart from their experience with finasteride.

Managing hormones can be done in a milder way with over the counter supplements though if you’d try to play it safe.