I just tried to masturbate and when i came, there was a clog like feel, just under my two testicles where Pelvic Floor muscles starts. I had this thing time to time but this time it happened more severe. My muscles try to push out the semen while i ejaculating, it feels like there is something in the way, a clog, and it blocks the semen canal.
I literally feel the struggle of my pelvic floor muscles… right under, between testicles; they try to push out the semen bur not in one motion, like they try to push several times to complete the task.
Also my orgasms feels shit, i can’t enjoy them. Is this related to low semen volume or something? If i heal my semen volume and prostate, will i able to feel the healthy and strong muscle contractions during orgasm? Also anyone had this effect and anyone reversed it?