Blink and other propecia websites list drugs bad for sex life but not the worst one

Blink and other propecia websites list drugs bad for sex life but not the worst one:

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The only silver lining to the impending FPS storm that will surely be caused by them is those suffering may drive research into a cure.


As myself and many have said before it is a horrid, horrid thing to wish PFS on anybody, but there’s no escaping this has the potential to be true indeed.

In my darker, more bitter moments I do hope somebody with enough power and influence to make Merck board members “go missing” will get PFS and motivate them with sudden GREAT enthusiasm into fixing this, but I do think that’s what it’ll actually take and nothing less.

Still, if our guesstimates of 1/1000 get PFS hold out then it’s a roll of the dice on Trump, some KGB member etc begin to motivate them in the right way.

Rambling rant ends