Bizbee's member stories [merged]

^ Yea because the guy lied about all of his symptoms getting remarkably better over time and doing all of his work to improve his health.

Sure you get setbacks especially when you are trying to live life like Bizzbee is probably trying to do. Beating PFS takes sacrifice and Bizzbee as well as myself will both tell you that sometimes you get caught up with living life rather than curing yourself.

The thing is- while he may say 90% and I may say 70% now or something in that matter- we both have recovered.

I’m sorry but comparing myself today to 3 months ago to 3 months before that to 3 months before that? Its called recovering- it takes time but it works and its fun and when you’re doing all the things that you used to be able to do, couldn’t do for so long, and now can do is just amazing. Haha the way a woman made me feel this weekend haha its just amazing to have these feelings again.

The above poster critiquing bizzbee is just somebody who wants to disprove that there is a way out of this. He is routing against every single person that is recovering. He wants us all to suffer just so the pharmaceutical industry has a reason to produce a PILL to fix pfs.

He will never get his life back and will always be rooting for the next guy to fail. Its so sad.

Dont take the above poster seriously. He is attacking the messenger because the messenger (me in this case) is delivering a message he does not want to receive. A classic example and a logical fallacy.

I didnt say that bizzbee lied. I simply reported a fact: After making this “recovery” post he has reported on being in deep trouble health wise and needing help. It was a simple case of wishful thinking. He didnt exactly lie he just wished he was recovered but was not.

It’s crazy the differences we have in mindsets between long time sufferers. Moonman is like 12 years in and cheering for people and working on himself in getting better.

On the other hand we have guys like PVDL who try to prove all progress or recovery stories as false.

It’s so sad.

There are people dedicating their lives to healing themselves from this issue we have here. Working so hard at getting better.

Coming from where I’ve come, its completely reasonable to believe there’s no cure. I get it. I was that bad. It made sense that my life was ruined forever.

You guys cannot doubt us. You cannot doubt people who have made the strides, the guys who have made it all the way. Heck, I’ve had days where libido and erection ability are 100%. I’ve had days even recently where I can’t have sex at all.

This is life- you don’t come back from hell in an instant. There’s no machine, drug that will take us back. There is persistence and healing. And finding one’s way. I’ve found mine and I’m so lucky to say so.

I should be taken seriously. I deserve it with the work I’ve put in. Unfortunately we will always have those literally take shits on our faces. Yes PVDL looking at you. Your words toward me feel like shit being dropped on my face. Discrediting what I’ve done is honestly just mean.


I am just reporting a fact, you can make of it what you want: Bizzbee never stopped trying to recover even after he wrote the above post. I.e. he never was actually recovered. Actually he had a severe crash right afterwards and decided to go on hormonal replacement therapy because the natural stuff did not work. Obviously the hormonal stuff hasnt been a silver bullet either for him. This is a fact. I am reporting this fact. You make of it what you wish.

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I agree with PVDL, to many people claim recovery when they’re not and still using pro hormones and herbs and what ever else they use. A real recovery is when your life goes back to how it was before propecia, that includes not taking herbs pro hormones and sticking going back to your normal diet. I take 10mg a week of cialis and its like I’m back to normal pretty much, does that mean I’m also recovered? Does it f@ck, it means with no cialis I have weak erection and shitty low libido, the same would probably happen to anyone who claims recovery whilst still using pro hormones herbs or what ever. Many people at swole source claim recovery and still use god knows what.

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The 100% recovery does not exists.
Everybody suffered some changes that are not possible to reverse, but you can more or less manage it.
For example, I am quite well compared to most of you guys: I am able to do all i want. However, I know that I am not the very same guy that I used to: less libido, less ejaculation volume and less motivation.
Maybe my prostate is smaller? maybe is beause of some hormonal change? AR receptor? neurotransmissors? I don’t know.

Has anyone ever had their prostate checked out? I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. I’m also lucky to not be as bad as some of the guys here, main sides were sexual, anxiety, depression, brain fog. Mainly low libido now, as I said tho 10mg cialis keeps me pretty decent for 5-7 days, only draw back is recently is it been giving me the most awful back pain so gave it a rest for a week.

I have read one guy saying that he got the prostate checked and it was “ridicously small” for an adult man. But I don’t remember if this was in this forum or antoher one.

I’m sure I’ve seen that same post somewhere, I’m going to talk to my Doctor about it soon see if I can get some sort of test to see whats going on in there.

Hi, i wrote it on solvepfs.
I got the prostate checked and was told it has the size of a man around 18y,i am 40y old. Took propecia for ±20y… The urologue told me that this was great, but i am not so sure about that…

That means “smaller” than it should be right? Do you know the size? How is the prostate checked? Easy to do?


Hi , the doctor told me the size/volume, but i do not remember it. But he surely wrote it down in his report for my house doctor, next time i see him i will ask for it. I only remeber that he told me “this is the size of a prostate from an 18 years old boy, this is very good for you”.
He made an ultrasound examination and a rectal touch examination.Ultrasound of course no problem, rectal touch examination also no problem, but a little bit strange of course when somebody puts his finger inside you…:fearful:

Updates here???

I remember this guy. He’s not coming back. He’s like 95% good at this point. Said his farwell on another forum.

Here’s what he posted on another forum about 2 weeks ago:

“Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!”

Ah, the holy grail - the ambrosia that will heal us all! Now the only question is which mystical animal must the bones belong to…

Kenneth Frazier and the board of directors at Merck.


I hope they got blood tested for cadmium and lead levels.

Lol! Almost spat my tea out. Well done.

Yes I don’t want to sound cruel or vengeful, but I dearly dearly hope every executive at Merck gets PFS for Christmas.

Santa if you’re reading that’d be an amazing present. :slight_smile:

EDIT - and back on topic I also read his recovery on SS. Well done to the gent, 7 years of soldiering on is good going. And it’s another one for the protocol too…

Its the only one that continually works fam