Bigger belly after PFS, the cause?

I have the same issue. Despite having a very small stomach my entire life, i seem to have the inability to rid excess from my lower abdomen. I am also 29 years old in athletic condition.

Still wondering about my bigger belly, what has made it so big. Once covid issue has subsided I will discuss it with my doctor.

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Got any labs on hand? Bigger belly/mid section fat may be caused by:
Low estrogen
High cortisol
Water retention

There’re probably other causes but these were on top of my head.

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When I was eating a normal diet, full of veg, salad my upper abdomen and mid section was always swollen. I couldn’t shift it. Since being more selective with food it has reduced a lot if I eat steak only my stomach returns to washboard status but that food alone is unsustainable. For my situation I think it’s estrogen and the thyroid. I had the swollen upper abdomen for years not realising I had Pfs

I am taking levothyroxine now and it helps with the bloating and belly.

Yes, I know what you are talking about with the bloating.
For me, I think it was some kind of low test/high est problem. The bloating went away eventually, and I’ve been jogging 40+ minutes every day.

My belly fluctuates from 60% to 100%. When eat wheat it goes to 100% swollen state and if stop wheat (all kind of gluten) comes back to 60% in a week, but still not to my normal pre-SP size. I also notice it is not just belly, my whole body swells. Swelling is easily noticeable in my legs below my knees.

As you can see it is like a balloon. Before SP use my chest was wider than my belly but now it is the opposite. I will try to find my pre-Sp use pic and upload them so that you can see the difference. It is a shame that SP is still being advertised as a good supplement, just for the sake of money.

That belly. I have the exact same. What the fuck is going on there. I also have trouble breathing, even standing up is difficult for me because of it. I am now on thyroid 50mcg a day for 3 days now, and I am just checking if it gets better. I believe so but I still have to take it some longer to see if it really does something. the last study from melcangi stated that people with pfs have different microbiomes. Now, is this a cause or a consequence? My guess would be consequence. Maybe somehow we have altered digestion capability and therefore microbiome adapts to the new situation. I do now know. We will probably do not know for a long time because research is not far enough to understand this even outside of pfs. But for me this is such a thing that stands out. Since having pfs I never had the feeling of hunger like i used to. I can stop eating for a day without real hunger. How fucking strange is that. I also became so dry in mouth, skin etc. I believe the thyroid replacement works in that department. So i am just hoping for the best.

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Mind you my this belly is at its minimum. When I was on wheat it was even bigger. This one is 5-6 weeks after stopping glute. Before PFS I used to have very small belly and always was whishing for a little bit bigger belly but never wished for this big one.
To me pfs is liver dysfunction. I don’t know the root cause but I am sure liver is behind this all, maybe we have got fatty liver? We have all the symptoms of non-working or damaged liver. Just visit any forum and read posts of people there, you cannot a find a single thing which can be different between us and them.

@spstriken I have been diagnosed with liver disease years of these symptoms had to start showing up eventually.

Judging from the pic, you seem to be an extreme IBS case. Do you have recent bloods for liver, kidney, CBC, thyroid, testosterone, E2, etc.?

Yes I do have IBS. Often I have to run to washroom fearing I would poop in my pants. Even couple of times I had to jump from the bus and run to the nearby washroom and I have not been lucky all the times.
Except for low T , nothing special in my blood report. I think with time some of us may show liver diagnosis.

What liver disease was diagnosed ?

I’m not sure what the medical term, waiting on a letter but basically fattening and a benign mass.

Sorry to hear that, man.
I fear that I may have the same issues you have.

Wouldn’t fatty liver show up in the ultrasound?

That’s how they found it I’ve recently had a MRI brain, a full CT body scan and an ultrasound. The ultra picked it up.

I assume you were eating healthy, correct?

I’ve taken an ultrasound and they haven’t really noticed anything. “Unremarkable” was the term they used.
My liver enzymes were still high for some reason.

I’ve been exercising more and more every day and lost a lot of fat. Hopefully my bloodtests go back to normal.