Best prostatic antinflamatory/antioedema

someone knows about a good antinflamatory/antioedema?

i read someone had benefits from FANS like ibuprofene, but could cause ED if used regularly

Regular Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Use and Erectile Dysfunction
These data suggest that regular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use is associated with erectile dysfunction beyond what would be expected due to age and comorbidity.

howeveranybody tried flomax, danzen, dicloreum , tauxib ecc?

maybe there’s a thread but i didn’t saw it

I was prescribed flomax recently. I tried one, Jesus - ejaculation? Nothing, completely dry. They’re in the bin now.

anti inflammatory drugs have some pretty intense side effects… i would stay away from them, esp. with our own problems resulting from adverse side effects.

best way to stop inflammation lies in your diet. heres what you do…

take a liquid cod liver oil, everyday, twice a day. liquid oil is wayyyyyy more potent than pills. omega 3’s are the precursor to your body creating anti inflammatory agents of its own.

get on vegetable and fish diet for as long as you can. this one is tricky, and takes some serious discipline. i’d try it for 2 or 3 days, take a break, go longer, take a break, etc. include fruits if you can tolerate it… i have issues with fructose.

these are the basics. vit d3 is also great. google is your friend and theres lots of information out there. this website became my new best friend while figurign a lot of this inflammation type stuff out:

and, by the way, this anti inflammation diet works without taking drugs that could cause potentially worse problems.