Best PFS motivator? "Recovery is NOT impossible" vs. "Learn to endure permanently"

Howdy! I’m sharing an unusual email conversation between myself and an author who is publishing a book about PFS victims and their life stories.

She argued essentially that recovery is rare and dependent entirely on unique genetics. Therefore, victims should learn to endure PFS permanently the best they can, presumably after reading inspiring life stories of PFS victims who endured. (Not her exact words but that’s the gist.)

I argued that most PFS victims understandably cannot learn to endure traumatic/horrific PFS maladies. Most, like I previously did, will decide that being mostly miserable indefinitely without hope of recovery is unbearable! Instead they should focus on possible future recovery, however slim the odds.

Not to hype myself but I’m Exhibit A for my philosophy. I tried to kill myself via starvation after failing to procure a gun 2-3 times. That caused speech/motion/sleep dysfunction entirely independent of PFS! As I’ve detailed previously, I am very fortunate that ALL my PFS maladies - profound emotional shutdown, 100% loss of libido, 100% physical impotence, delusions, suicidal depression - 100% resolved after 2.5 years of endless misery.

Top PFS expert Dr. Michael Irwig in Feb. 2015 personally bluntly - and incorrectly - informed me that PFS recovery was impossible! That reinforced my suicide plans.

If someone like my future self had told me “PFS recovery is NOT impossible” I would have abandoned my ill-considered suicide plans.

Which philosophy is correct?


I agree with her and I also disagree with your assessment that PFS means indefinite misery. Seems like you are here to tout your own (recovery) horn, with no scientific evidence that any of your remedies are effective.

Did you also suffer from severe fatigue???

Could your attempt to starve yourself have set into motion your recovery as well as the speech/motion/sleep dysfunction?

A number of PFSers have claimed recovery. And even more have gotten to a point where life is enjoyable, even though they may not be “recovered”. I can say I absolutely enjoy and thrive in life. Its been a long 13 year journey and one I will continue to have to work at. My last piece is the sexual sides, but even then I’ve managed to father multiple children.


That’s awesome man! Congrats!

Grrr. Book authors and journalists are not scientists and do not understand science!

Authors and journalists develop their books and stories so that they get them printed/published and so they make money and get their name out there.

Her opinion, just her opinion, that “recovery is rare and dependent on unique genetics” can be harmful, or wrong, or both. Why is she saying this? Where or who are her sources for this conclusion or opinion she is making??? This is why we have to think critically, and ask questions of people like her who make these kind of blanket statements. Writers journalists authors do this all the time–they make conclusions and summaries which might be wrong.

Plus, what is her personal, religious, philosophical background? Does she come from a family or culture or ethnicity that values “endure PFS permanently the best they can” ?!?! Is she a psychologist? Does she have any training or experience at all in how to help people? No. She is a writer.

Be careful, guys.

Many people make recovery, simply put. We will never know the exact percentage, but the factor of the matter is, propeciahelp is an ecochamber. Not an ecochamber for the sides themselves but for the outlook of them. Any regular person who recovers is probably getting the hell away from this site and anything that reminds them of PFS.

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I am over 8 years in and was suicidal for the first 2-3. During that time I just kept telling myself to delay it as long as possible. Now I am super glad that I did. I have a beautiful niece (born last Wednesday!) and a nephew. I have improved a great deal (read: NOT recovered, but I have improved and can live a good life). There was a time when it felt like everyone in my life had turned on me and thought I had just given up on life. Now I have a steady job working the nightlife… I have customers and co-workers and friends and family who tell me how much they love me and they also prove it to me by the things they do for me. I went from wanting to die to truly being happy and feeling loved. The message I would send to anyone is that it gets better. Take care of yourself, eat healthy real foods as much as possible, lift some weights, do some sweating, and push through. You’re a warrior and you’ll be happy again.


I really needed this today with kobe passing & my health declining once again

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To add onto the post above yours

Mamba Mentality :fist:
RIP Mamba and your Mamba Princess

Hey @Helpisontheway & @sg8627, would you guys mind taking the survey? It would help our cause a great deal as we are still in need of critical numbers. :slight_smile: