Best for high E2 levels: proviron or arimidex?

Ok guys

my current plight is my ever soaring E2 levels (and probably resultant high SHGB levels and lower DHT levels). A simple conclusion is that i need to get my E2 levels back into mid range (currently out of range high!)

Best bet?

I’ve known guys to take the relatively safe drug Proviron in small doses (0.25mg) and this has helped them. Arimidex is the best anti-estrogen as it does its job very potently. Proviron will also free up T levels and decrease E2 levels. Both should have similar results if did correctly.

Ill be looking to take weekly blood tests to keep a track of my levels to ensure i hit optimum levels. From then i’ll be looking into sustainance and hopefully long term drug free results (i.e. a successful reset).

So what do you recommend? Bare in mind what im looking for is long term sustainance. I know proviron has a short half life for instance, but should this matter for my long term purposes?

Ultimately, what mechanism of decreased E2 levels and increased DHT/T levels will likely to be the one which makes/helps me body sustain it naturally? Is one less likely to do this than the other or are all things equal if i can get the exact same ranges from both drugs via systematic use?

I also seem to have High E.

I seems to have troubles with arimidex dosage. It is hard to get into the sweet spot.

I have tried transfermal formestane. It gave me some good morning wood.

How is your morning wood?

Proviron may shut you down so might be risky? You would need blood work.

Morning wood is pretty rare. Still get night erections though but very rarely is any erection throbbing.

Did you find yourself being briefly recovered with the arimidex and then drove your E levels too low? Yeah?

What dosage did you take?

Proviron may shut down T levels but not at the dosage/regularity that i am thinking off (once or twice a week at 25mg)

Hi again,

Well over the last few months I have tried a lot of things.

I took a whole box of proviron 50 tablets over a couple of weeks. No major changes.

I also tried a few injections of testosterone.

Both of these did not do much.

I then tried transdermal formestane. And for the first time i can remember i had really hard nocternal wood. Like I woke up and needed to pee but it was so hard I couldnt pee. This used to happen to me before finasteride.

I also got some good morning wood where i would wake up and my wood would be there.

I found out formestane is a light 5ar inhibitor so decided maybe I would try arimidex. I took .2ml of liquidex for about 5 days every day. My testicles got bigger and harder like when I was on HCG but no libido and wood was not that great. I stopped for 2 days, on the second day I met some girl and had good wood, even after sex it was slow to go down. This faded the next day. I took a smaler .1ml dose of liquidex 3 days ago and now I have had 2 days with very little nocturnal wood or morning wood. I am hoping it has not further increased my aromataze.

I may lay off it for another few days and see what happens.

I would like to get back to the point where I get good morning wood most days and then look at my libido.

My estrogen was top of the range last time i checked and test was mid - high.

I also took andro hard and did not notice much apart from hair loss.

Thanks for the post bud

I have never heard of that other stuff before!

As for arimidex, as you say its very potent and dosage dependent. Its great stuff though imo.

Jumping off it after a few days on it was probably a bad idea though - apparently your body can rebell and actually increase e2 levels as a result - this is why i’ll be looking at a small dosage over a loner period of time (.25mg or maybe .5mg once or twice a week)

That sweet spot is hard to come by im sure, but ill give it a go

Shocked you didnt get any effects from proviron though! Wow! lol

I reckon you should try a systematic approach to arimidex. Fin didn’t mess us up overnight, you probably wont fix yourself sustainably over night either…

have you tried clomid?

I took like 3/4 of a tablet in 2 doeses. I remember the next day I had good morning wood. When I mean good. I mean I still have it when getting out of bed. This is rare. And also got one pimple on my sholder. I use to have a lot of bacne there. I stopped because I am scared to take synthetic estrogens as I have read some bad things about cancer and genetic damage.

I do not know if it is coincidental. But when taking the arimidex i started getting a lot of pimples on my bum cheeks. Many years ago I contracted HSV 2 and have not really had any problems but it is possible that the arimidex or hormonal change did something to my immune system.

So at the moment, I have had 2 days no morning wood. I dont know how long I should wait before trying it again. I am also using research stuff. So I suggest you get the generic pills.

What other high E symptoms are you having? I have strange fatgain on upper hips.

P.S. How are your Prolactin levels? Probably high like mine if you also have high E2 levels

Sounds like we have similar bloods.

Try dostinex (cabergoline) to reduce the prolactin. Should help libido. I intend to do this.

Strange eh? It could be your body adjusting. I do think we need to commit to drugs if we think they’re right as a few days of any one drug isn’t going to get any real results for the long-term.

My symptons are low libido, weak erections, more watery semen (think high doses of vit d3 has helped here though!) and after being off it 7 months…penile pain and shrinkage!! No real non-sexual effects as far as i know, maybe increased fatique and dry skin on my face (have a bout of eczema there) but its the erections/shinkage that concerns me most.

I dont care about morning wood etc just about regaining decent libido, reverse shrinkage, and being able ot perform (and maintain fertility)


Your sides are very similar to mine. I have lost my libido. sperm does not look great. Skin is fine. Mainly it is my libido. Do you have blood work on here?

Yeah -

Have a quick look and let me know what you think:


You’ll see on teh second page i got a second test, didn’t have enough sample to get T levels etc (getting redone next week), but my E2 levels rose alot in that month considering they were already out of range. This rise corresponded with shrinkage and penis pain something i hadnt had before. Also, my prolactin went from mid range to top range in that time also.