Belsomra solved my profound PFS sleep dysfunction

Long story made short; Belsomra FINALLY is solving my insane PFS sleep dysfunction after SIX years!

More importantly, it could solve YOURS too:

You MUST ignore the cruel irony that Merck makes FIN and Belsomra. Just deal with it.

Here is my recent sleeping journal

I have NOT enjoyed impossibly insane PFS sleep dysfunction for six years. It’s absolutely impossible for me to sleep without Belsomra. I’m can “rest nap” periodically and somehow survive on those. But Belsomra is infinitely better.

PS Read my prior threads. I absolutely positively naturally recovered from insanely horrific worst-case scenario PFS in 2.5 years!! Hopefully YOU can too!


This is a lot better than it was , but how did you survive before ??

Belsomra is the only Orexin Receptor sleep medication available right ?
I know orexin is involved in keeping us awake …