Beard & Body Hair Thinning

Hello guys.

I’m wondering who else has experienced a loss of facial and body hair on Finasteride?
My beard has always been thick and body hair almost excessively thick.

Back in January I took Finasteride 0.5mg for 1 week and stopped after experiencing sides. I tried again in March stupidly thinking that It wouldn’t give me sides again, I took it for three days and noticed my beard and body hair abruptly thinning. Within a week my beard had gone from being full and thick to noticeably thin, body hair also.

I’ve only now put the pieces together that it was caused by finasteride and wondering if anyone has experienced similar? It has not improved since March.

Thank you

Did u check ur Testosterone, dht and E2?

Yeah, checked all my levels and they’re all normal!

Probably receptor problem. The only thing u can do is to exersice regularly, have a protein rich diet and good night sleep. I had this beard problem but now it is solved.

When you shave your pubic hair, does it grow back as it is used to be? Also do you mean less beard when you say “thinning”?
You are not impying the actual thickness of your hair follicels i guess.

Hi Cooper,

No not at all. ( too much information warning) but pre - finasteride, I would have to shave that area every week or two because it would be out of control. They used to be curly dense, but now it’s very fine and wispy, lost a lot of density there too.

When I say thinning, I mean both that the hairs are thinner themselves and that I’ve lost density (less follicles). I’ve also noticed that I get a lot of copper/blonde hairs throughout my beard/arms.

I did a biopsy on my beard recently (this was before I pieced together that Finasteride could have caused this) and the biopsy came back showing miniaturization in line with AGA which is weird.

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Hello! What do you mean when you say a Receptor problem?