Bastian's PFS Story

Another brave man has shared his experience with PFS publicly. Let’s all please like, share, comment etc. to show our support.

Also, if you’re on the fence about sharing your story now is an ideal time to step up. We have real momentum as a community now and adding your voice to the fray will make a real difference. Please consider speaking out on the PFS Network or Moral Medicine channel. You really don’t have anything to be afraid of.

Let’s make this year a breakthrough year.

Thank you, Bastian.


just watched the interview. Well done Bastion. aticulated very well, relatable.
Anyone watching would have to be moved. :heart:

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I wish I could participate in moral medicine but I’m Spanish and I suck talking in English, and I prefer to don’t show my face

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Your English proficiency really isn’t that big of a deal. The most important thing is to demonstrate to the world that this is a real problem and that we are in profound suffering. I would highly encourage you to come on our platform to share your story