I would be very interested to see some blood tests WHILE you were on finasteride…I have a feeling this drug has caused neurological problems due to offsetting the Thyroid at a imbalance state while you were on the drug.
Looking at your blood tests, your TSH does look a bit on the higher side even though it’s in the normal range…You should also get your body temperature done through the morning, afternoon, and evening as well.
Monitor your future blood tests and keep an eye on your thyroid… Your body maybe in a stressed state, I can already tell by looking at your blood tests that your TSH has went up from 1.40 range to the 2.15 range…keep an eye on that…and please next time ask your doctor to do a full thyroid panel that also includes RT3. There are no short cuts…If your thyroid is out of whack, then your gonna have neurotransmitter problems.
Anyways, just my opinion…Good Luck!