Balls, Balls, Balls - questions/please read

YES absolutely we need that section… NOBODY believes us, we need as much proof as possible.

Don’t know if I’d be up for that, as someone who has had changes to my physique etc. We all knowingly let go of our dignity a bit in talking about this, nothing wrong with that, but that sort of thing is a step too far.

Why is it?

If your muscles are wasting away - you should be able to prove it with pictures. Penis enlargements forums (exercises specifically) post pictures of there penises. It’s not a big deal and I think it’s very appropriate, because people can make whatever claims they like on this forum but if you can’t back it up then hardly anyone will believe you.

It should definitely be given a thought, maybe exclude pictures of genitals because I think a lot of the non believers may mock it over on the hair loss forums.

Bear in mind many show their nether regions to various endos and uros, only to be declared ‘normal’, so posting it on a layman’s forum is not going to achieve much. Context is vastly different from that forum you mention, which I see you also used to frequent. And it’s easy to goad from the sidelines if you don’t suffer muscle wastage yourself.

I think there was a guy who did this but deleted it later. In the context of a study I would be willing.

lol i asked joe to join my group to prove to the medical community that are problems cant be psychological. Joes replie was im pretty much better and im not interested, i have gf and im at uni, life is great. Its wankers like little shrunken dick joe that cause the urologists to say do one. I dont need Joe anymore n think he looks better in a dress anyway but hang on why is he asking for everyones cock pics on the basis of proof when there is nothing wrong with him and he had no interest in contributing any proof, sounds abit gay to me that this guy wants to see your willys.


can we get back to topic plz

Fuck off Joe-91. Stick to your 12 page threads on Crisler’s forum as an outlet for your attention seeking.

scared2death why get bk to a topic about ur shrinking nuts? wat do u think is going to happen? are u in hope sumone with a cure to ur problem is going to drop in and fix u up? why dont u try making a complaint against ur urologist an independent service, shoot sum hcg n test or just man up n go out like da rest of us with dead knobs. Start sum form of action in ur country. Propeciahelp has bin online since 2006 and or though helped a few is not the answer to ur problem. Have u even posted ur lh fsh levels.

Yea, isnt it great showing your member thats shrunk down 50% to some doctor and he says " looks normal to me". As if we don’t know what our dicks looked like Pre-Fin or we would withstand the indignation of that without good reason.

Yes Danny - I have posted all my bloodwork and test results. Not sure why you are so pissed off - yes we are all struggling through this but some of the folks on the boards still have hope and are looking for help from others with similar issues. Not everyone has very high Estrogen and shrunken testicles - so yes I am appealing to those similar to me and I am hopeful to get input on items that have helped even if not cured.

I am not ready to “man up” and just accept my fate - I am sorry for you if you are.

Kind of hard to “man up” when your manhood has been zapped. I’ll leave that to the “real men”, and I will continue to look for answers.

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lol u wont the only thing u can do is ask are my nuts a victim of cell specific apoptosis in which case viagra n test may stop it, or am i subjected 2 an endocrine disorder in which case only hcg n proviron will help. I fixed the shrinkage issue n im chuft about dat not pist of, i just find the people who sit around with these issues typing about them a problem to are problem. I understand everyones loss no pun intended but there comes a time when u have to do something about ur problem other then talking about it. You have 2 choices except ur nuts have shrunk or let it drive u mad. The more u let it bother u the more ur probably be offered psychosexual services as does ur urolo believe u? probably not.

brad unless u man up u wont find the answers. Most likely merk n co know y this happens, do u think they r going to submit that evidence n lose their cash? did u know they are responsible for many product related deaths? they dont give a shit, they like their billions n care not for a few men with adverse side effects who cant prove anything, they are probably laughing at us all right now thinking what a bunch of puffs.
I think u should get ur answer from merk n co to be fair. What im saying is fuck crying about it, do sumfing about it i am, im at war with all my urolos, appealing, making a political contribution n soon a lot more if anything having my man hood zapped has made me more of man as i refused to be lied to by the urology cover up squad and i am more then happy to take all and any action no one else is, so suffer.

Are you a chav?

Danny - you state you have fixed your shrinkage issue.

Can you tell me what your hormonal issue was; what your sexual side were, and what your treatment protocol that resolved the issues.

I am having a big problem getting endos/uros to take this seriously and get me onto something that will help.

Seen as this topic is about balls. I would like to ask - are anyone else’s balls/ scrotum very soft and feel empty? mine barely ever retract for sex now like they used to.

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I have smaller testicles (maybe 50% smaller) and as a result my scrotum is very tight. My balls seem empty - do have pain sometimes or just dull ache to them
However, I have had a few days where it seems they ballon up and scrotum returns to almost 75% - sometimes last a few days and then blammo back to small.

Seems hormonal and if I can get that corrected maybe it would return to normal/heal??

Fuck knows. I get times quite a lot when my scrote is expanded and hangs low, though not as low and heavy as it used to, even on fin. I hate it when it’s up and tight. Balls also fluctuate, sometimes 50% smaller sometimes almost normal.

Does anyone else notice a change in texture? Mine used to be heavier and slightly rough to feel, now very smooth and smaller.

Ive been unable to publish my findings, pc broke, typing on a touch screen, may slap it on a server soon when im up and running. I cant directly advise u, if u get worse ur blame me, no one advised me either. U c, united u stand divided u fall, opening up a small ball post is not evidence n will not help u, u only have to go threw all the posts on here to find a bucket of evidence makes no odds. Good luck.

Bad week for me gents - my balls have really shrunken and are painful.

I think something else may be wrong with me - ie. tumor