Axolotl Appreciation Post

As a new patient I can safely say without the efforts of @axolotl I likely would have snapped psychologically and ended my life by now.

I am eternally grateful that despite his horrific symptoms he has been able to generate so much hope alongside @Sugarhouse

I remember the extremely dark first days when I crashed and felt I had entered hell with brain zapping and electrocution torturing me every waking moment alongside explosive tinnitus and the deafening incessant dissonant soundtrack of songs playing in my head interspersed by horrific intrusive thoughts. The existential dread that my life had effectively ended at that moment was almost too much. However, the new study had been announced and I remember reading the study description many times over every single day like a shipwrecked sailor holding onto a log of wood. The fact that there were respected and experienced scientists who were going to work on this gave me hope.

I can’t imagine being in his condition and having to do all this from the ground up.

Slaving away each day so that we can all one day be free of this accursed reality. It doesn’t go unnoticed. The least we can do for ourselves and the community is support these efforts with everything we have.

“Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.”— Heraclitus


Well said, @Erik. Really appreciative of @axolotl and @Sugarhouse! Y’all are true heroes. And the literature review is a must-read for anyone trying to understand more about our condition. It was helpful for me, as no clinician could adequately explain even a hunch of what was/is happening to me.

Erik’s spot on, we need to support the efforts of PFSN.

I also want to add that everyone here, including you @Erik, are tough motherfuckers for dealing with this condition and persevering. Human resiliency is on full display in all of you. I think everyone needs a reminder of that from time to time.

I’ve met some truly great people on this forum. I’m impressed by every patient here and remain hopeful for our futures. Stay strong, stay well.

P.S. we should revive some of those wholesome af coping threads. Movies with Mitch, etc. I’m guilty of not visiting them recently, but will try to this week.


Thank you Erik. That’s very kind - passed along your best to Axo as well.


Great post, Erik, and I wholeheartedly agree.

Without their leadership, but also the grit of all sufferers here who keep enduring and pushing for awareness, we would be lost.


Hows he getting on? Could I talk to him? Also having problems sending pms.

Yes, the mods here are fantastic. Personally, @Greek helped me immensely in the past, and I’ll forever be grateful for the support he provided me in such dark times.


Greek has helped me a lot as well


Thanks for the shout outs, guys.

I’ve said many times that Axo pretty much saved me and also accepted my offer to help out and put me in the mindset to pay it forward. So, indirectly, any praise for me is also his.

If someone here helped you and the opportunity arises, try to help someone else, even if that means just showing up and listening.