
Hey I’ve been having some good success axiron, depression has lifted, libidos getting better, appetites improving… Pretty satisfied with this product

So you’re on prescription Testosterone gel? What dosage per day?

Standard dose is 1 swipe under each arm pit, each swipe is 30mg… So 60mg in total per day, I also take 1 dim capsule per day to

How long have you been using it? Most guys feel better on T but it drops off fairly quickly. If it’s been a while and still helping that’s awesome.

Do you plan on being on this for life? My MD prescribed a similar gel, but the lifetime commitment (along with other potential sides) deterred me from starting.

Interesting. It looks like a good gel preparation. Gel preparations increases the reductase activity more than shots, and it appears as Axiron doesn’t raise the testosterone level that much on average - and not to mention the benefit of using something that mimics the circadian rhythm… If it’s applied in the armpit, other people are less likely to be exposed to the gel as well.

So, you’re using this product like a deodorant? … trial.aspx

Hey, yeah it’s more of a solution as a posed to gel. Takes about a minute to dry, no funny smell just a slight scent. But yerr u still need to control e, however with this one you can feel it working pretty well… I’m about 3 weeks in.

Before six months you can not be sure if this is treatment.Please don’t take me wrong I am speaking from my and many others’ experiences. I have used gel for 8-10 weeks.

thought id do a quick update, things have been going pretty good on this axiron. Depression has still been gone, erections and libido getting better, starting to build muscle, increased appetite especially for proteins and carbs rather than chocolate and sweets and more drive/focus.

I have ditched the dim for controlling estrogen and switched to liquidex (one or two drops) anyways things are going better for me the lights have been turned on again i dont live in an endless fog anymore so glad…anyways peace

Good news man! keep us updated. I think everybody here needs to use some testosterone at some point just to wake up the endocrine pathways again. Do you think that an aromatase inhibitor is necessary providing that test gels and solutions do not aromatise much? Even gym junkies who inject up to 300 mgs of test per week do not use AI’s. Give us your thoughts on this.

hey guys,

just a little check in…again. Things haave been going good, i have had a few rocky days here and there; but i attribute this to trying to up the dose with me testosterone. I am currently doing 30mg a day with the axiron swipe, anymore and i start to feel pretty shit. Ive got to also got to remind you when on trt to take zinc tablets reguraly, for example…Earlier today was feeling really great, i was like sweet im going have a fap (lol) and so i did that. all good, and immediately after i started to bloat up a bit with water retention and got a little depressed, so i went and took a zinc tablet and everything came back down again and felt good so yeahh… i think the zinc helps the prostate create some dht or keep the estrogens at bay… so yeahh anyways peace out

Despite injections being generally prefered for TRT, I’ve noticed the people on here who respond to TRT tend to get better results from transdermal. Might try this myself.

I’d try adding Andractim as well in low doses if I was you.

I’ll save you my story, here’s the nitty gritty of how I’m getting better. And don’t worry I’ve been suffering for over two years I’m not, someone whose just came down with some symptoms, muscle atrophy, sexual, mental, digestion, etc.

Testogel 50mg daily
T3 50mcg daily
Garlic Supplement

Now your going to look at the drugs and say that’s the reason why he’s getting better, and they are of course but without the garlic supplement my digestion jams up and none of the drugs seem to make it into my blood stream, they either just sit and dry on my arm or sit in my stomach, garlic really helps my body to get things moving

Sorry I meant to say I have had all of those symptoms not just one or two.

You were using axiron and reporting improvements earlier on in the year. Have you stopped using this and now using testogel? Did you lose gains from axiron?

I don’t think it matters what product you use, u can use any of them to raise your testosterone…look at awor he was on testogel before he had his crash and said when he would apply he could feel the immediate affect, now when he does it may as well be moisturiser…

Sorry what I’m trying to say is all the testosterone in the world won’t make you feel better if you haven’t got your thyroid in check, today is even better then the yesterday and I hope I keep seeing these improvemtns… since adding the thyroid meds I can finally feel the benefits from the testosterone. My confidence, energy, strenth is finally starting to appear

Touch wood lol (no pun intended)

Scrapped the t3 for now

Why that? A couple of days ago you were feeling fine?