Autoimmune drug question

Genuinely i have no idea, my knowledge of science isn’t great but if the disease state is removed I’m sure it’ll improve a lot. I know Axolotl told me there have been cases with temporary improvements where people saw big changes, so I’m hopeful.

Also you should add a profile picture :blush: i changed my to symbolise hope.

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If PFS is autoimmune then stem cell treatments in Panama treat this condition. They offer the strongest treatments available much better than what’s on offer in the US.

Hi ac3c,
Would you have any detail on what they’re doing with stem cells in Panama, and if you know there’s been any success with it around PFS?

You can read about it here. The cells are the highest standard available. They help restore the immune system amongst other things.
You would have to apply under one of their treated conditions. They don’t treat neurological conditions and aren’t one of those companies who will take anyone for the money.
One guy here saw improvements with one treatment in the US. Panama is the top tier treatment and stronger than what’s available in North America or in mainland Europe.

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