Aromatase inhibitor question

I used letrozole on and off, very small quantities. The bottle says 2.5 mg/ml and i was using something like o.25 mg.
The thing is that on some days i felt it helped, but in others i crashed right after.

Do we understand why estrogen inhibitors have this negative effect on us sometimes?
The mechanism of progesterone is more complex, it does many things, but arguably the aromatase inhibitor is more straightforward: prevents the aromatase from producing estrogens… Why the crash?

I am not the only one who experiences that.

Grateful if you can share your thoughts on this…


My experience with AI’s has been pretty horrible. Increase in lethargic feeling. Creaky and sore joints hips ect. No benefits at all really.

There are a few people I have spoken with that have had success with AI Monotherapy after initially feeling awful. See dmal’s member story for example. The theory with him is that initially you get the low E sides (cranky,tanked libido,down,aching bones and joints, etc.) then after a month or two for some people something clicks.

I experienced something similar when on mono therapy back in 2013; it was hell initially then about 5/6 weeks in things were starting to get a little better. Unfortunately, around that time I changed endo’s and the new end wanted me to taper off the AI mono therapy, then start his protocols (which turned out to be garbage). With hindsight, I wish I had persevered, and in truth its something down the line I may likely try again. But be warned, from my experience it is initially hell as mci says, and I certainly got worse before I started to feel benefit, so be ready for that potentially from an emotional standpoint.

The idea in theory with my other endo is that it was forcing T through the pathways to DHT by increasing my T level through low E, yet not allowing the increased T to aromatise (when i take clomid etc, my aromatase activity goes batshit). Its kinda the CDNuts theory through a different mechanism instead of pro hormones… force reduction to DHT, and the presence regenerates enzymes and does however many more unknown things in the process.

Not saying its the answer, not saying you should definitely give it a go, just my 2 cents.

Using an AI off of testosterone injections with PFS is tricky, if you have low test, you will have low estrogen and taking an AI will just make you feel like shit. If you are on a steady dose of test, then you at least know you have steady test levels, and you can use an AI to keep estradiol down and allow test to reduce to DHT (in as much as it can with PFS). If you are going to use an AI with nothing else, I recommend just using Torem mono therapy. Tore is more effective than clomid and is an AI, clomid is very estrogenic, google Torem and read about it. I always felt it would be effective if used alone in PFS guys, I have used it on and off, but I am on so much other stuff, it is hard to notice, though when on it, I do notice improvements.


Dmal did not have a very positive effect after an initial bad patch on AI’s.

It made his libido terrible - which is not positive.

  1. It has restored him from practically no sexual function to being able to ‘perform whenever called upon,’ as he put it
  2. It has led to him actually regaining body composition
  3. It has led to him being more mentally alert and less brain fogged
  4. Although hormones aren’t everything with this disease, it has visibly restored his hormonal markers to much more usual levels (even boosting his 3adiolG massively)

Granted, he says libido is still non existent, but he suspects its the let causing low E and expects that to change as he weans off the drug, something given the 4 points above I think is very possible indeed.

So yeah, I have no libido at all right now, but would love to be able to perform whenever called upon, id argue that is a massive improvement in every area including sexually… particularly when you read how truly in the shitter he was… far, far worse off than myself

And from discussion with him he certainly agrees that he has made massive strides forward.

Letrozole kills libido, try Arimidex or Aromasin instead, and use DHEA 50mg and Tribulus with it. There are no PFS “crashes,” associated with AI use, what is occurring is an E2 crash, this is not a PFS problem. If you are going to use an AI, use a test booster along with it to keep your test and estrogen boosted, so that way you can realize the effects. If you aren’t going to use testosterone, that is the best way to do it, DHEA will give a lot of benefits as well.

Letrozole has worked for some guys, but it is a poor choice, simply due to being notorious for killing libido. You may want to try Torem instead, it is the most effective endogenous testosterone booster Serm, and it is also an estrogen blocker. Torem is the most effective Serm at restoring the HPTA. With PFS, not only does your testosterone crash, but your cortisol does as well, you may very well recover from the 5AR aspect and never know it is your testosterone is wrecked, or your cortisol is wrecked.

Dr Jacobs will tell you that Total Testosterone does not mean much, it is the bio available test that does, and the point is that bio available test is always low in guys with PFS.

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this drugs are very safe, we can trust on FDA.

these side effects are nothing … teractions