Anyone from AZ seeing a reliable doctor/endo? I’ve seen a few, but haven’t even been able to get my bloodwork done yet because I have to fight them every step of the way. They either don’t believe me and tell me it’s all in my head, refusing to test my hormones, or they only want to test for T and free T, which is pointless without LH, FSH, etc.
I’m surprised that now with the greater attention our issue has gained that your having problems at least getting them to believe you. I’d say print out the news stories from the media attention and studies that came out this last summer and pop those down on the table when they tell you its all in your head.
It’s really frustrating. While my bloodwork will more than likely tell me nothing, I’d still like to see where I stand, and they are making it incredibly difficult. Why argue with me about what bloodwork I need? I have (or had) insurance, just do it! It was also very frustrating arguing with them about my depression being the cause. I’d tell them I’m sure it isn’t helping, but depression doesn’t make your body/facial hair stop growing and your dick bend. They would just look confused and repeat what they just said. They tried really hard to get me on some kind of anti depressant and viagra/cialis. I used to have a great deal of respect for doctors, now it is becoming clear very few of them have any idea what the fuck they’re doing. They give you the minimum amount of attention required and then throw drugs at you. It’s disgusting.
They are not the saviors they are made out to be on TV and lets be honest… most of them go into it for the money. I would also push to get 3 adiol g tested… that in fact does essentially prove you have pfs if nothing but for your own personal knowledge.
Also your depression… its another symptom of pfs. Rather than a cause of your other problems.