Are thyroid values low?

TSH 1.11 mU/L 0.27 - 4.2
T4 1.30 ng/dL 0.79 - 1.59

Since I have pfs my tsh value is low (very close to the lower limit) t3 and t4 seem high My hands and feet are very cold. It should have been the other way around. Should I use thyroid-lowering medication? Doctors say it’s normal, they don’t listen to us.

Hey,those values are completely normal(Tsh is perfect),i’m on thyroid and it doesn’t do much other than helping me with energy and fatigue,but the rest of my symptoms still pretty much the same…

Are your hands and feet always cold? I’m always cold. I always wake up tired in the morning.

I have no issues with hands and feet temperature…and i used to wake up tired,but now i usually wake up rested most of the time.