AR receptors downregulation

A lot has been talked about AR receptors to be not working because they are overexpressed, also a lot of temporaly recoverys has been declared by using products that seems to block androgen receptors like Soya, and also there are some guys trying to repeat the success process of 2 guys, 1 of accutane and 1 of pfs, that use long term high proviron cycle and when back to normal. So my question is, shouldnt be trying some drug that blocks AR to see if it works? Any ideas?

Thank you

I’m thinking maybe the key is to open the AR by downregulating it, with a drug like Soya or St John’s Wort, and then getting a test booster in there somehow, not just TRT, but something like high doses of Creatine or one of those Andro-Enzyme boosters everyone took in 2011. The AR downregulators open the window, and the test boosters can maybe cause homeostasis of cells leading to a permanent recovery? This has probably been discussed before lol.

I just tried to mix, soya and creatine, but didnt work. Soya still time to time put my libido very high, my jaw becomes normal believe it or not.

Would the test boosters just cause the AR to upregulate again and then we’re back to square one? Supposedly when we stopped finasteride it caused androgens to raise and overwhelm the receptors so I’m not sure how this would be different

When u took soya does it instantly make your libido better or does it make it better after a few hours?

I start after 3 hours and its more or less 1-2 day the effect. it does not only affect libido its very strange. I tried to take creatine and has shut down me off for 2 day while I was taking it, but now everything seems back to normal.

I think our problem came from the overexpresiion of AR receptors that was caused while we take the drug, not when we stop taking it.

When I was on finasteride by testosterone was almost double and I felt great

so what? Your dht was low, and your receptors adapted to that.

I’m just saying the receptors go off testosterone level too, it’s not as clear cut as just dht being low

Yeah, Creatine does that, it can crash you at first, according to some users you have to load it 20g/day for 7 days then 5g/day maintanence and just push through it.

Creatine has crashed me once but it’s also made me feel better sometimes.

I’m on St John’s Wort Perika and I notice that I take it, it kills my libido for about 5 hrs then I start feeling better.

I’m going to stay on it for a few more weeks so my body can adjust to it then add in Creatine and see what that does. I’m going to be lifting and running that entire time but mostly in the windows where I start feeling better.

It’ll be interesting to use both proviron and tribulus at the same time , the former donwregulate receptors whilst the latter bring back their sensitivity

That’s an interesting idea not sure if it would work though. I think tribulus itself could be an example of my hypothesis, as it contains both anti androgen fillers and pro-androgen saponins containing protodioscin.

Did you try tribulus ?

Nope haven’t tried it. Right now I’m doing st Johns wort, just ordered probiotics. and will start Creatine soon.

All this combined with daily exercise/training, and a diet with less than 50g during the day with carb backloading at night.