Appeal to president trump

Not sure if this will work, but figure it is worth a shot. Donald trump has gone after drug companies before, and he himself has taken Finasteride (may be currently taking it still.) Personally, i believe it may be responsible for his clear change in demeanor between his young self and his current self, but that is just speculation. Either way, if we launch a twitter campaign and can all tweet at him consistently, he may eventually see it and decide to take up our mantle. I feel like its the kind of thing that may work, and is worth a shot. What do you guys think?


If we could harness the energy of people sending a tweet and focus it on an activity with a more reasonable outcome then we are more likely to succeed.

A bit like spending 20 seconds every day trying to fly like superman might be less likely to get you in the air than spending some time learning how to make an aeroplane. Both activities might seem unlikely to succeed on the first day but by day 100, one will have likely revealed itself to be a clear winner, by day 100, you probably won’t be in the air but you will be closer to it than if you’d just spent your time jumping off the sofa with one fist extended.

One thing I could suggest would be to search Twitter for people who have had a bad reaction to Propecia or Finasteride and then try to make contact so they know this place exists and will hopefully do our 23&Me and Member surveys.

If everyone who thinks tweeting Mr Trump is a good idea could also find one person who isn’t a member here but who has had a bad reaction, we may find ourselves flying, even if Superman powers are not in our grasp.


The fact that many of you are still waging war on finasteride makes me understand that we are very far from a possible turning point. You have not really understood that finasteride was only the trigger, but in the end it could have been any substance … We just have to make our problem recognized. If you want to wage war on pharmaceutical companies, you have lost at the start. It is as if the Kongo declares war on Russia. If we fund research to try to prove that finasteride is to blame, Merck will always boycott us.


Which is why we need someone like president trump to make us get taken seriously


You would think that Trumps enemies would use the fact that he takes Propecia against him.


@POTUS @realDonaldTrump finasteride (propecia) destroys the sex drive, sexual function even after stopping. At 21, it destroyed my life. No one holds merck accountable; Judge Cogan even let them hide from the public… please help hold big pharma accountable!

That’s what i tweeted him. If you are american, please tweet that or something like that everyday! He alone can make us be taken seriously


Ha ha ha maybe better idea to make his enemies aware of the neurological issues that propecia can cause and show them the info on this site instead of tweeting Trump.


This is my opinion, but in the unlikely event that this does get his attention, I believe it would backfire. It would be embarrassing to him to be associated with a drug that has these emasculating effects. When his former doctor publicly disclosed that Trump was taking Propecia, Trump sent secret service to the doctor office to raid his files. This was reported in the NYT. None of this reflects well on him and bolstering his public image is his #1 priority.


Trump could be the person that makes us get taken seriously by the mainstream… which other famous person could possibly apply the pressure he could (and has) on drug companies? I have filled out all the stupid surveys and read all the studies and seen many doctors, but the fact is “building an airplane” is kinda pointless when the general community sees us as crazy. Especially the medical community. Why is it a bad idea to tweet at a president who always checks his twitter and has taken this medicine? It can only help. Stop discouraging this- he could be the public figure we need. I’m honestly shocked by your poor answer greek. Are you maybe not from USA?


I didn’t tell you not to do it.

I just think that if improving our position relies on what the most famous man on earth might do if he maybe, somehow, by some tiny chance sees our tweet in an ocean of notifications we should consider alternate strategies.

Seriously think about how many retweets, @replies and mentions he gets from people who are making contact just to say they disagree with him.

Then add in how many other people are replying to say they agree with him.

Then add in how many people are trying to start new conversation with him.

Then think about how quickly his notification timeline is moving, how many tweets per second do you think are targeted at him 24/7?
Then think about that he is the president of the United States and has a few things that are on his to-do list already.

The infinitesimally small chance that he will see your tweet is one thing. Then that he decides to act upon it is another.

Despite this fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a chance, I didn’t tell you not to tweet him. By all means, go ahead with my blessing.

I think we’ll get more response from real people either with an already stated issue or interest related to our problem, which is why I suggested it. If you are wanting to try something on twitter, then please try and find someone who might be receptive in addition to your attemtps to contact the President of the United States. If you’re sending one tweet, spend five minutes finding someone to send another. We have an account which you can RT and target our tweets to people, so it’ll be even easier. It’s @propeciahelp. You don’t even need to write a tweet. Just RT one of our blog posts.

Ultimately, we have limited resources. Use them effectively to build towards something, or hope that someone else will swoop in and save us. I’m not sure there’s a shortcut you can rely upon but saying “what can I do?” will probably yield more results than “what can someone else do?”

Steadily growing our presence, gathering evidence, proving the issue will get us somewhere. What’s more if we can prove it, get more of a plan together it makes it easier for someone with the facility to swoop in and save us to do so. There literally isn’t a downside aside from taking away five minutes which you might have used to call me out.

Building an airplane isn’t crazy, we’re the ones that need to go on the journey and we don’t have one. It doesn’t matter how crazy the world thinks we are if we can prove that we can fly.

Tweeting Joe Rogan (who is another saviour figure I’ve seen mentioned here) or Donald Trump is not a media strategy, but do it anyway, who knows.

As I said, I didn’t tell you you couldn’t or shouldn’t tweet anyone, so please go ahead. For all of us, I hope you’re able to get his attention.

Maybe Trump has PFS it has been reported that he and his wife sleep in separate bedrooms.

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The variety of strange behaviours he is said (and seen) to exhibit would fit with PFS.

Thst makes it less likely that he’d be willing to embrace us, as noted above by @frustrated, imo.

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This is actually a good idea, with little downside or cost in time. There actually was some brief coverage by the media of PFS in connection with Trump a while back. And it’s not a bad idea to try to become proficient in social media usage, for those of us who aren’t.

I personally suspect Trump has very bad effects from Finasteride or PFS(if not technically PFS, if he’s always been taking it). The specific changes in his demeanor from when he was younger seem to be far more than mere aging.

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Maybe. Then again, maybe it could be worded to appeal to his narcissism and vanity somehow, like not everyone has his constitution and health but everyone could have loved ones who have taken finasteride and they could not be so lucky.

Lets all tweet him and mention the reuters cover up. Nothing gets his juices going like a good cover up.


@Cman it wouldn’t hurt to send out the tweets!

But at the same time, he is getting impeached and if you look at his Twitter, he seems a bit… occupied? But Like I said, it wouldn’t hurt!


Guys, what are you going to write him, that you are all fucked up and you know it’s due to Merck because an Internet forum said so? Get real. We need science first. Let’s focus on getting science done.

I would forget about diagnosing him as having PFS that’s conspiracy theory sounding stuff. I also wouldn’t spam him on social media.

However, I do think he is an unusually proactive president and does seem to put a lot of effort into helping individuals who are being screwed by entities like drug companies. I do think a mature, knowledgeable, appeal to the White House for help might be worthwhile. Right now we’ve got no one.

We need some scientific evidence first, though. And the outreach would have to be mature. Not just frantic people screaming like hypochondriacs and conspiracy theorists.

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Should we use a specific hashtag, like #MeTooPropecia? And should we DM him as well or just tweet at him (I’m assuming the latter)?

If you’re going that route the likelihood you getting to trump is incredibly small however if you try to reach out to his children on Instagram you might have a much better chance.


Guys, calm down, doing things like spamming people on social media just blows opportunities and ruins image :man_facepalming: We have to organize, get together with the other groups, act like serious people with a serious problem.