This year has been my best year. Brain Fog and Fatigue are practically gone. I thought I was almost “out of the woods” when I still had a persistant pressure in the Penis. (felt like a headache in the Penis…I called it carprol penis syndrome)
so i went to dr goldstein.
I was just diagnosed with Peyronies…but it seems very different than the "injury based peyronies I read about on their forum. I have what seems to be a very structured “cord” running from base to tip. no classic “bend” , but a loss of girth at the base (baseballbat)
I belive this is septal peyronies, but I am not sure what treatments can be invokded. Dr Goldstein is going to try to drag up my T and DHT levels with meds, but I am not sure that will help the peyronies.
Am I in the minority, or is this a common sysmtom to have in year 3? (like I said: year 1 & 2 were the years of brain fog and fatigue)