Anyone use prokonetics such as motegrity for digestion help?

Thinking about using them to help but I’m cautious because motegrity is a 5ht agonist

And I relapsed from a 5htp supplement. Yeah, possibly a reach here making a connection like that

But does anyone know if these are safe?

Or if other prokinetics are safer?

I’m trying a natural one right now. How did your experiment go?

i decided not to try any of them

especially not the natural ones because most of them have the same mechanism as finasteride

good news is i dont need any supplement for digestion anymore

my old probiotic started working and im doing well

Thars good news, which probiotic has helped you @lakehouse


thank you, how are you doing

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Thanks my man.

I’m surviving as best as I can my friend.

My faith and beliefs for better days ahead for us all keeps me going.

We will be unbreakable after this.


Youre welcome bro

You know Im not even surprised you’re hanging in there like a rugged soldier

You are already unbreakable, brother