Anyone use HGH here?

My endo is thinking of giving me small doses of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) because all of my blood tests (besides Prolactin) are on the low end of scales.

So has anyone here actually taken HGH, and was it a positive or negative in terms of recovery?

She’s also thinking of giving me Progesterone and Testosterone, and I’m thinking of holding off on the T and maybe trying the progesterone. I’ve seen many positives with Progesterone, have there been any negative side effects reported with Progesterone usage? Thanks.

i tried the progesterone cream for 12 days the first time at 5mg per day,i would have gone the full 14 days on it but came down with flu,it gave me loads of energy and zest,i felt great,after a few weeks when i got rid of the flu etc i tried the cream again,this time i only lasted 7 days on it,came off due to extreme anxiety,im not saying this was caused by the cream,i had some shit going on in my life at the time,the good points of the cream were in my experience it seemed to lift depression and anxiety almost immediately and filled my body with an energy,i felt alive again,i really did feel on top form,the only bad thing i can report is the accelerated hair loss,i have shed more hair in the last two months while messing about with progesterone cream than i have lost in the last 3 years,and for this reason i wont be taking it again,if you’re not bothered about losing hair then give it a shot,if i was offered a definite cure for p.f.s but the only side effect would be all your hair would fall out id take it,but to take something thats going to make your hair fall out and still be left with p.f.s,now that is just cruel,hope this has helped you…

Feedmemore, if you have high prolactin, take deprenyl as it will lower prolactin levels.

Robbo, the accelerated hair loss on progesterone may be a good sign of moving towards recovery. But if you want to have PFS over losing your hair, then go for it.

to dgreene,i would gladly swap every hair on my head mate to be able to enjoy a woman sexually again,to me sex was the best thing in life,since my crash ive never had a morning,nocturnal or spontanious erection for nearly six year,so believe me i know the pain and anguish of p.f.s,what i meant was if a doctor said to me right we can cure your p.f.s but the only drawback will be you’ll lose all your hair id jump at the chance,but the thing is progesterone isnt a definite cure,we’ve only heard of one person upto now recovering with it,light at the end,all im saying to anyone whos thinking of trying it is you could end up in a worse state than you already are so know the risk,you may end up trying progesterone for a few month end up totally bald and still have p.f.s,how would that make you feel???,a lot of people on here think of suicide daily,all their hair suddenly falling out may tip them over the edge…

IF I only can get back to work, If I can stand on my legs without swelling in my feet, if I can sleep without pain in my back,ribs, side hip bones THEN I am willing to give all of my hair and [Size=4]ALL OF MY SEX[/size],

[Size=4]I am sick and tired of people crying for their DICK. They don’t realize FIN/SP destroy every thing.[/size]

Don’t forget people light at the end also took deprynl which is a known dopamine booster. If the evidence I true, those abstracts suggest depleted levels of dopamine in the brain

Thanks for the reply robbo. I am glad to hear that it worked positively towards making you feel better. I have seen many people here with positive effects, but I’m unsure if there were any negative effects as well (besides hair loss in your case) Robbo, I understand the feeling you have towards losing your hair and being stuck with PFS, but in my opinion I think that is worth a shot. I kind of wish all my hair was gone now, it would save me the misery of of having to look at it and the reminder of what it has done to my life. At least that’s my view on it. Again thanks for your reply brother.

Dgreene : Yes I have read about taking Dopamine Agonists to help with some of the sides and in a few cases recovery. I am only a little worried of trying it though because of someones story on here, he said his brain fog actually got worse after a while on it. And I’m not sure of the range at my Hospital, but I think it was 2-18 ng/mL and mine was at 22 this past December. Is that value really high? I’m just not too educated on whether I’d need a Dopamine Agonist for that level.

Also, is there any type of blood test or common test that could measure the amount of dopamine in the body?

Finatruth: Did Light at the End actually recover or have significant progress after taking Deprenyl?

I have an appointment with my Endo next week and she is going to discuss future options (HGH, Progesterone, and Testosterone) But I am weary of the HGH and test. I have read that many guys here have no luck with test. She said combining Progesterone with Test would prevent T to E conversion. But I just had my Estradiol Sensative Assay test in December and it was borderline low, so I’m unsure about going that route. I will mention Deprenyl and Dopamine boosters with her and get her opinion.

And FYI I’m on a very low 5mcg dose of T3 to help a little with the thyroid sides like dry skin, lower body temp, fatigue, etc. Only improvement I see is body temp increase.

He took Deprenyl and Progesterone and is now 100% recovered. Unfortunately, it is impossible to know whether it was because of one, the other, a synergistic effect, or he just recovered naturally. I personally believe the Deprenyl had a lot to do with it, but I am no doctor and that is merely just my opinion. I don’t think anything, even Dep, is a cure. They just create a better environment for your body to heal itself. Perhaps Dep refreshing his neurotransmitters or whatever allowed his body to be more effective at healing that area over time. Who knows.

I will definitely talk to her about the Deprenyl, seeing as my Prolactin is a little out of range.

And also, if anyone here has any experience supplementing with Human Growth Hormone (or have heard of any) for PFS I’d very much appreciate it. It sounds promising to take, but I just don’t want to have negative sides from it.

Deprenyl (Selegiline) is an irreversible MAO-B inhibitor.

It’s partially metabolized into L-methamphetamine, which has positive effects on hippocampal gene expression in rats. (fin screws with your hippocampus, no doubt.). … 2709000422

There’s some evidence that it’s neuroprotective and antiapoptotic too.

Please post why you have wrote this, thanks.
